OK, so where were we? Saturday right? Well, yep, we had a great morning catching up with new and old friends from online at Mt Cootha... on the way home, I took Lus up to the lookout on the Mt to see what Brisbane looks like in whole... I just love it up there (where Greg proposed too!)...
My poor Lusi was sick on and off throughout the weekend. She'd come down with some tonsilitis late in the week before she came... and by Saturday afternoon was feeling pretty rotten (which is NOT good for Lus as she has no spleen and therefore not too many natural antibodies to fight diseases) So we had a really easy night saturday night, a little practice for worship Sunday morning (however Lus had lost her voice, so I was to sing on my own!).... and then she quietly asked me to do her a 'favour' and take her to the hospital... I freaked a little to say the least... but really it was more precautionary than anything... so off we went to Emergency, with Lani sleeping peacefully in her capsule the whole time... they took Lus off and I think I saw her an hour later... however , I was quite amused enough, as I'd never been into ER before, so was watching people coming and going (mostly of the drunken disorderly variety!)... and prayed for each person as they came and left too, so that was nice. They finally said I could go in with Lus while they put a drip of anti-biotics through her and we had a nice chat with the nurses (probably a nice change for them who are used to drunks most of the time!). I realised as I went in that the hallway was the same hallway I'd been wheeled up when I had Lani in the car, so then of course I had to tell the nurses that story too! So we came home at 1.30am, armed with a script for more antibiotics to get her better! And crashed into bed! (well I did)
I'd been looking forward to leading worship at my church with Lus for months! But the enemy had his little way there (the only foothold he could get!) and Lus still had no voice to sing, so I did it on my own, and she accompanied me with guitar and piano. It was still SUCH a blessing to have her there with me, and she really taught me so much about having a heart of worship. Was a great service even if she couldn't sing with me. I also enjoyed introducing her to my 'family' at church and my pastor in particular. Everyone said to her 'see you again soon'... lol, I hope!!
We were supposed to go to a cell BBQ but Lus was pretty written off so we stayed home and she slept for 3 hours! After that she felt pretty good though, so it was really great that she got that rest.
At night, we took on the boys (Greg and BIL Jeremy) at Pictionary. We started oout kicking butt... but at the last picture, we were both on the last square and the boys came through and won. Lus had a funny case of the giggles throughout! It was great fun though - I *heart* playing board games!
Once we finally got out of bed and worked out we were going to do something for the day... we took the kids into the city. Jai wanted to go to the museum again (seriously he could probably go every day and not get bored!) and we also decided to show Lus a bit of the city via a ride on the CityCat.... well this ride turned out to be a LOT longer than anticipated (note to self - the round trip takes over an hour!), but oh well!! Lus took LOTS of pics to show her fam when she got back :)
Monday night we headed back up Mt Cootha to meet her friends Lu and Cass for a coffee. Was nice to meet these girls and have a proper chat without 10 other ladies around! I must admit I was a bit tired, and didn't really have much to say - as they girls talked a lot about scrapping stuff, the 'who's of who' and the like that I'm not really 'up' with, lol... but it was great to just hang out! And great to go out at night too - something that doesn't happen around here much! Lani slept through the whole lot again - don't know how though, as her capsule sat right in the middle of the 4 of us gas-bagging (loudly) away! I think Lus will probably have a few pics to share from this on her blog when she gets around to it...
Photoshoot!! I've been wanting a photoshoot of our family ever since Lani was born, and hadn't got one of the 5 of us yet.. but oh-my! I didn't really anticipate how difficult it would be to get a decent photo when there are 2 babies!! We did get one half-decent family shot though, and lots of other fun ones too, so it was semi-successful! (despite a rather unco-operative 16 month old!)Here's the collage of the family shots:

And then Lus and I let loose with the posing too! Sooooo much fun!! I cherish these pics sooo much and can't wait to scrap some!! (hopefully in the next few weeks you'll see a few pages!)
Here's a couple of collections of us:

Love love LOVE these ones!!!

Well, I think that's about it!! Was so sad to see my Lusi go home :( It totally sucks that we live so far away from each other... but I hope its not too long (6 months maybe?) till we see each other again!!
Love you girl xxx