Sorry to those of you who have my blog as your primary way of knowing what's happening with us... namely my MIL Sandy... ok, so I've been busy and blogging seems to take such a long time (especially when you leave it so long in between posts!), so I just haven't done it! My bad...
What's been happening here the last week and a half (or so..?) In a nutshell...
I was sick for half of last week. Not fun. But my wonderful husband stayed home on Wednesday to look after me, the kids and do some Mummy stuff like washing, dishes and cooking dinner. Bless him! Fingers crossed no-one else has got the bug, however Eli's been a bit off his food yeaterday and today so well, I'mhoping its just teething or something! Poor little monkey...
Greg had his AFP testing last Monday. Poor thing was pretty-much brain-dead at the end of the day - he had 6 tests (psych, aptitude etc) and there was close to 1000 questions all up. We were told that we'd hear in a week if he didn't pass the benchmarks, and we've not received an email yet, so hoping he's passed that bit.... they were told though that only 21% of ppl at the test day will get offered a place... eek.... so we're praying that God's Will will prevail here! Would appreciate your prayers too :)
Eli is now 16 months old. Lani is 3 months old this week. Separate updates on them to follow.
We went to a lovely naming day/2nd b'day party on Saturday with a couple I went to school with, but have only really started befriending in the last few weeks (thanks to Facebook!)... it was a lovely sunny day, and they had a jumping castle (their own, how cool!) and plenty of ride-ons and other toys for the kids. Was really nice to see them and I really look forward to talking properly over a BBQ (and so they can get to know Greg too)...
I'm going sligthly mad trying to get a few things organised around this house... coz my BEST FRIEND LUSI is coming in only THREE days time to stay for 4 nights!! We've been counting down the days for ages now, so its hard to beleive it will be so soon! Can't WAIT to see you honey (for the firs ttime, lol!).... so will have a huge crazy busy time over the next week. And look out for lots of pics too - am also hoping to get Lusi to take some family snaps for us.
Don't have time for much else, so will just leave you with some random pics from the last few weeks:
My first attempt at 'the feet' shot... note to self: use someone else's hands to hold her feet... while am happy enough with this, will have to try again...

I love love love this one of Jai that I took on Satureday... sure, he's being silly, but I love it!
This is what Lani constantly does if she's wearing a dress... actually she pulls up her shirts too! lol.. Greg says we're gonna have a handful with this one ;)
Two peas in a pod.. this pose knows as 'squishy face cuddles' (well from Greg anyway, lol)