Hello blog,
I've been a bit AWOL, I know. Sorry. Guess I've been a bit of a busy girl. Between working lunch breaks most days and still trying to fit in all the other stuff I have to do, its a little harder when it breaks up my days. Only have a couple of hours in the mornings to do all the important stuff, then its fitting other things in when Jaidyn is home and not demanding too much attention in the afternoons.
Nothing too much to report I guess. Baby is growing well. Due date is getting closer and closer - good golly. Only a bit over 8 weeks now. Yikes! I am feeling really well - I think doing a few hours a day of work is really helping to not be so fat and lazy! Lol...
My beautiful friend Clare had a baby girl last Thursday. They also moved house yesterday - crazy huh! I'm just trying to be there to help out with whatever I can during this stressful time of not only adapting to being a new mum, but packing and unpacking a house too. Her baby girl, Tabitha Abigail is so tiny and so beautiful. She was born 7.5 lbs, only half a lb smaller than Jaidyn, and gosh, its hard to remember he was almost as small as she is! Babies are so beautiful, and such a wonderful miracle from God. Clare and her hubby Tasman are from our old church, but they live only 3 mins around the road, here on the northside... so I have invited Clare to come to our Mothers Group at church when she's ready - will be good for her to be around some other Mums during the week too, as being a SAHM can get a little lonely if you're used to working!
We are having a few friends around on Sunday for an afternoon tea to celebrate our coming bundle of joy. I'm having fun organising some games to play. There are so many that I found on the net - I just hope we get a chance to play all the ones I've picked out :)
We are heading off on our family holiday to Mt Gambier (with a couple of nights in Melbourne too) in only a few weeks.. so we've been busy trying to organise the rest of it, which is quite a lot coz we are a bit slack. We have priced hiring a car from Melb- Mt Gambier and its going to cost the same to fly, so yay, I won't be sitting in a car for 5 hours @ 35 weeks pregnant... only 1.5 hours in a small plane :)... unless Greg's parents decide to come and get us... has been a bit more confusing than I initially thought as I have to organise a medical certificate both times before I fly, as I will be 35 and 36 weeks at those times. I'm going to try and see if my doc will say that I'm not 36 weeks until the week I get home (only 3 days after I am) so I don't have to get one in Mt Gambier too... really, due dates are so vague, so what's a few days? I hope she will, save that hassle. We are really looking forward to it. I'm just having troubles finding any of my warm clothes that fit at the moment, so have to buy some maternity jeans (which I'll wear here anyway) and a couple of longer sleeved tops... hopefully the jackets I already have will do - just not be able to do them up!
I also want to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rozzie for Saturday too... I'm not sure if I'll be online before then, or if I'll have enough of a connection speed (although it seems to be getting a bit faster again)... so have a wonderful day Rozzie!!!
Well, today I have lots of housework to catch-up on, so better get cracking.
Nat xx
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
My bump, my bump, my bump...
Well, here it is in all it's glory. My bump at 29 weeks pregnant...
it's funny - I've had a few people recently say to me that I don't look almost 7 months pregnant... strange because at 20 weeks people asked if I was having twins!

I'm getting more and more clucky each and every day. Can't wait for this little bundle to arrive... have a couple of names picked out, but they are not set in stone and knowing me I'll get over them and want something diffferent next month anyway!
I'm itching to start setting up the nursery now. Can't seem to get much done though because I want to decorate in either pink gingham (jingham!) and green if its a girl or dark blue ginham and green if its a boy.... so that rules out the curtains, bedspread, little bits and pieces till then. I guess I can start collecting some green things. There are also no shelves, no curtain rods and only one hook on the wall so I'll have to ask the real estate if I can put some of those in... oh how nice it would be to own a house and be able to paint the walls!
We also need to buy some furniture and that has to wait until the budget allows... frustrating I tell you! We've decided to try to get another change table, but instead of a 'proper' one, we are going to try to find a second-hand square or oblong table that will have room for the change-mat and some baskets on the side to hold lotions etc, and where I'll be able to fit the bath on the top for bathtime too, or else it will have to be on the kitchen table! Going to have a bit of a look on Ebay and in the Trading Post I think.
In the next week I have to organise a new mattress to be made, plus cleaning up the capsule and taking it for a safety check. All those exciting little bits and pieces. We still haven't bought a pram yet. ALDI had one last year for $100 (a 'mothers choice' brand that usually retails for about $230) and Greg's boss said it should come back before baby is due, so we're hanging out for that one... if it doesn't come in time I guess we'll just have to spend a little more.
Was reading a Pregnancy and Birth magazine the other day and there was an article with diary entries following one woman through the nine months. I now wish that I had started a diary so that I could remember all the little things that happened and when. I'm writing from now on (probably weekly if anything new), and trying to go back and remember some of the important and special moments and write a bit about them. Hopefully too, I can have a little look through my archives here and there'll be some stuff too. It really is such a special time, and over too quick, so I want to document it all.
Well, I'm off to look on Ebay now.
Ciao xx
P.S. Eck - I'm just dying to see your little bump - surely you've got something there by now?? Take some piccies to share please?? BTW how did your weekend go?

I'm getting more and more clucky each and every day. Can't wait for this little bundle to arrive... have a couple of names picked out, but they are not set in stone and knowing me I'll get over them and want something diffferent next month anyway!
I'm itching to start setting up the nursery now. Can't seem to get much done though because I want to decorate in either pink gingham (jingham!) and green if its a girl or dark blue ginham and green if its a boy.... so that rules out the curtains, bedspread, little bits and pieces till then. I guess I can start collecting some green things. There are also no shelves, no curtain rods and only one hook on the wall so I'll have to ask the real estate if I can put some of those in... oh how nice it would be to own a house and be able to paint the walls!
We also need to buy some furniture and that has to wait until the budget allows... frustrating I tell you! We've decided to try to get another change table, but instead of a 'proper' one, we are going to try to find a second-hand square or oblong table that will have room for the change-mat and some baskets on the side to hold lotions etc, and where I'll be able to fit the bath on the top for bathtime too, or else it will have to be on the kitchen table! Going to have a bit of a look on Ebay and in the Trading Post I think.
In the next week I have to organise a new mattress to be made, plus cleaning up the capsule and taking it for a safety check. All those exciting little bits and pieces. We still haven't bought a pram yet. ALDI had one last year for $100 (a 'mothers choice' brand that usually retails for about $230) and Greg's boss said it should come back before baby is due, so we're hanging out for that one... if it doesn't come in time I guess we'll just have to spend a little more.
Was reading a Pregnancy and Birth magazine the other day and there was an article with diary entries following one woman through the nine months. I now wish that I had started a diary so that I could remember all the little things that happened and when. I'm writing from now on (probably weekly if anything new), and trying to go back and remember some of the important and special moments and write a bit about them. Hopefully too, I can have a little look through my archives here and there'll be some stuff too. It really is such a special time, and over too quick, so I want to document it all.
Well, I'm off to look on Ebay now.
Ciao xx
P.S. Eck - I'm just dying to see your little bump - surely you've got something there by now?? Take some piccies to share please?? BTW how did your weekend go?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Very slow internet connection...
Our super-slow dial-up connection is pissing me off so much right now!!! I can hardly even check emails and my bank account, let alone load and check everyone's blogs and my fave websites... gggrrrrr..... 7.2kbps - that's as fast as it will go right now. And that's with a 56kb modem and it doesn't seem to matter what time of day it is... oh gosh, we soooo need Broadband.... but unfortunately can't afford that for a while yet.... ggrrrr.... I think I'll just stay off the net for a while.
Not much happening in my life. Been getting a few shifts at childcare now. I did 5 hours on Friday (instead of hanging out with the ladies from church) and I've done lunch relief for 2 hours yesterday and today too. I have full shifts (8 hours) on Thursday and Friday and I don't know if I can do it (think a 6.5 month pregnant woman bending down to clean tiny tables and pick up little kids every 5 mins = very sore back) but we need every cent we can get at the moment so I'll just have to live through the aches and pains I guess! Yuck.....
Well, I'm sick and tired of this computer. Will have to catch up on your blogs all at a later date when hopefully the speed picks up. Now to wait 10-15 mins while this loads, lol....
Nat xx
Not much happening in my life. Been getting a few shifts at childcare now. I did 5 hours on Friday (instead of hanging out with the ladies from church) and I've done lunch relief for 2 hours yesterday and today too. I have full shifts (8 hours) on Thursday and Friday and I don't know if I can do it (think a 6.5 month pregnant woman bending down to clean tiny tables and pick up little kids every 5 mins = very sore back) but we need every cent we can get at the moment so I'll just have to live through the aches and pains I guess! Yuck.....
Well, I'm sick and tired of this computer. Will have to catch up on your blogs all at a later date when hopefully the speed picks up. Now to wait 10-15 mins while this loads, lol....
Nat xx
Friday, March 03, 2006
Beautiful rainy weather...
I just LOVE this weather! Perfect inside weather. Good for housework (even if I'm not really doing it, lol) GREAT for scrapping, curling up with a magazine and a coffee, and of course for SLEEPING..... I just love it!
And the heat is gone - yes! Which is MUCH MORE comfortable for this 'fat' lady :)
Last week, we had to put Greg's car in for a new motor. Ouch on the budget! I also misjudged how much money I had in my savings account, so we had to pretty much draw money from every-which-where to pay for it. The good thing about this though, is that I finally pulled my finger out and put my name down for relief work at local childcare centres. I didn't particularly want to work in childcare, but I've made most of my availability between school hours, and its only for the next 2 months, so it shouldn't be too bad. Now hopefully I'll just pick up some work each week to help a little with the finances. I already have two days next week (thursday and friday) so that will be good. I haven't worked for about 1.5 years, apart from my Crafty Kids parties, so I am looking forward to it, and especially because its working with kids again...
Hello Eck!! Its so good to have you back in blogging land again. I shall have to give you a call this week so we can arrange a time to get together and do maybe a spot of baby-shopping, even if its just browsing!!
My mind has been crazy about baby stuff this week. I had my first maternity appointment on Tuesday (and Eck, I didn't get in trouble for leaving it till week 28, hehe, lucky me - have you gone yet??), and they gave me my 'bounty' bag, which was full of samples, a baby diary to mark things in his/her first 5 years (I never got one of those at Ipswich hospital with Jaidyn!), plus a couple of magazines.... I've been pouring over the mags, so baby things are just running around in my mind - cots, prams, how to decorate, and all the little things we will still need to buy... I think its actually affected my sleep too! Been sleeping really crappy for the last week or so - restless, getting up to the loo every few hours... but I guess it will prepare me for the bubby hey?? Gosh, I've still got 3 months to wait, and I'm super excited about it all NOW!!
I've even been doing a little scrapping in this wonderful rainy weather. I've been working on my 'pregnancy album' which is not quite an album really, but will document all the little bits and pieces, and hopefully I'll display it in baby's room once he/she is born.... I even managed to find some papers with pink, blue and green so it will go with either sex... will share it when its all finished - so like next year maybe... lol, no I plan to have it done by baby's birth!
Have a good week all. Today I plan to socialise with the mothers from church then have a lovely sleep after lunch in the nice cool air. Maybe I'll get back to the scrapping I've been doing a bit of this week too.
Nat xx
And the heat is gone - yes! Which is MUCH MORE comfortable for this 'fat' lady :)
Last week, we had to put Greg's car in for a new motor. Ouch on the budget! I also misjudged how much money I had in my savings account, so we had to pretty much draw money from every-which-where to pay for it. The good thing about this though, is that I finally pulled my finger out and put my name down for relief work at local childcare centres. I didn't particularly want to work in childcare, but I've made most of my availability between school hours, and its only for the next 2 months, so it shouldn't be too bad. Now hopefully I'll just pick up some work each week to help a little with the finances. I already have two days next week (thursday and friday) so that will be good. I haven't worked for about 1.5 years, apart from my Crafty Kids parties, so I am looking forward to it, and especially because its working with kids again...
Hello Eck!! Its so good to have you back in blogging land again. I shall have to give you a call this week so we can arrange a time to get together and do maybe a spot of baby-shopping, even if its just browsing!!
My mind has been crazy about baby stuff this week. I had my first maternity appointment on Tuesday (and Eck, I didn't get in trouble for leaving it till week 28, hehe, lucky me - have you gone yet??), and they gave me my 'bounty' bag, which was full of samples, a baby diary to mark things in his/her first 5 years (I never got one of those at Ipswich hospital with Jaidyn!), plus a couple of magazines.... I've been pouring over the mags, so baby things are just running around in my mind - cots, prams, how to decorate, and all the little things we will still need to buy... I think its actually affected my sleep too! Been sleeping really crappy for the last week or so - restless, getting up to the loo every few hours... but I guess it will prepare me for the bubby hey?? Gosh, I've still got 3 months to wait, and I'm super excited about it all NOW!!
I've even been doing a little scrapping in this wonderful rainy weather. I've been working on my 'pregnancy album' which is not quite an album really, but will document all the little bits and pieces, and hopefully I'll display it in baby's room once he/she is born.... I even managed to find some papers with pink, blue and green so it will go with either sex... will share it when its all finished - so like next year maybe... lol, no I plan to have it done by baby's birth!
Have a good week all. Today I plan to socialise with the mothers from church then have a lovely sleep after lunch in the nice cool air. Maybe I'll get back to the scrapping I've been doing a bit of this week too.
Nat xx
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