Thursday, December 27, 2007
I'm an Aunty!!!
BUT I'M SO EXCITED!!! This is my first time as a Aunty :) Nice to be able to spoil someone else's baby and give it back!!
I have to wait till tomorrow to visit though, coz I'll wait till Greg is home so I don't have to take the 3 kids up myself.... gives me time to find a pressie and make a card!!
:) :) :)
P.S. Today is my baby girl's 6 month birthday, so little Emmi is exactly 6 months younger!! And she is a due-date baby too, not very usual :)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
When did we move into a TOY STORE????

Jaidyn and Elijah were given matching shirts from their Nan (MIL) and of course I had to put them on them for christmas day.... really wanted to get a full-length pic of them, but Eli won't stay still for more than a second so this was the best I could do - Dad had to be in it... still a nice photo of my boys though :)
Li-Li and Daddy playing on the new tramp today:
And I attempted to take some pics of the kids together.... never seems to work does it... got a couple of half-decent ones though, so that will have to do!
And beautiful Miss Lani on her first christmas (she's in her christmas dress too, but the headband was lost in the pile of gifts and wrapping and boxes in our loungeroom!)
Ooh, wanted to say I got really spoilt... Greg bought me a gorgeous bracelet, and my parents had a freshwater pearl necklace made for me over in Singapore on their holiday earlier this month. Also got the Crabapple Bakery Cupcake cookbook and a cupcake tree, so can't wait to do some baking!! Will make a beautful cupcake tree for Greg's birthday next week.
Hope you all had a beautiful day with your families and stopped to remember the birth of Jesus.
OK, now onto the new year...
Monday, December 24, 2007
One more sleep...
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Luke 2:11
Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you: he is Christ the Lord.
Matthew 1:21
"She sahall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins."
Friday, December 21, 2007
Makes a girl feel good...

Monday, December 17, 2007
Congrats and cupcakes...

The food at the high-tea (yes all for 5 people, eek!)
ETA: the high-tea WASN'T at my house, so therefore it was not me who went to all the trouble to make this table all pretty... I just took my cupcakes along.... :)
And the 5 of us (gotta get our yearly group shot!) Two girls missing this year, Mel and Jo are overseas in the UK... here's Lou, Erinna, Katrina, myself and Jade.
Other news.... Mum and Dad returned from their cruise last week.... I think Mum is finding it hard to adjust to having to cook and clean again!! Jaidyn is having a few nights at Mum's this week, ahhh, love holidays..... now just have to entertain him when he gets back... I think a bit of christmas craft and cooking this week is on the agenda, maybe a play-date too.
Well, I'm frantically rushing around trying to get christmas presents sent off, cards sent off and the rest of the christmas shopping done. Thought I better do a quick update, but now I have to go and get my hubby out of bed and shower and go do some christmas shopping!!
Have a great day all xxx
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Beautiful beautiful Lani...
My girl is now 5 months (and a half nearly!) old... where did that time go.... thought it about time I did an update on her development and did a shoot....
She is rolling like a trooper (has been for a couple of months really). She hardly stays on her back these days unless she's particularly happy and then she is seen goo-ing and gaa-ing as in off in another land anyway... or eating her toes...
She has started getting up on her knees a little, and rocking back and forth. At this rate, she'll be crawling by Christmas, just over 6 months, my clever girl. (However in saying that, both the boys were crawling by 7 months I think)
I have given her the taste of solid food a few times. From today though, I think I'm going to make sure its every day, as he sleeping patterns at night have been shot to pieces lately.... she's reverting to worse than when she was born, waking every 3 hours like its daytime!! (as it is, I am updating this at 4am coz she's got up every TWO hours tonight... I'm so sleepy!!) Would just love a *bit* more sleep!! So obviously her tummy needs something more.... maybe I should try the bottle before bed again too. Yes, she's still breast-fed. However, who knows how long that will keep up if as it seems, she's not getting enough!! Hopefully the solids will help though, and I can continue to breastfeed for at least a few more months.
Well here's some piccies I took at 5 months old:

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Post overload!!
So LOTS to mention...

And Eli thought so too :)
Straight from the playgroup break-up, we headed to our local christmas carols... it was so good that it was on last weekend, as otherwise Greg would not have been able to go (working 6 days/week from now on), and I wasn't sure I would be with the kids on my own (Eli is enough to handle in a place like that!). They were lovely. I really LOVE going to our carols. Ours are particularly great because they are put on by the combined churches in the area, so there is really a big Jesus focus, which is so often lost these days, and I love that Jesus' birth was the main focus still, with only a little bit of Santa, Rudolph and Frosty...
In preparation for this last weekend, I spent the nights of the week before at the machine, sewing a christmas dress for Miss Lani. So of course she wore it and looked just gorgeous!! Might have to put it on her regularly in December to get some wear out of it, and of course on Christmas Day! And Eli wanted in on the photos too:

And here's a special little friend on our tree - a snow baby that my grandmother made for Jaidyn (he has 4 - the first 4 years of his life, but she's not making them anymore :()
I have a list about a MILE long of things to make and do.... its getting closer to christmas and I seem to keep adding to it and then not doing much..... I did get some inspiration from Ali Edwards this morning while reading her AEzine email, when she encouraged us to do these projects in the bits and pieces when we can, and they will come together... I am forever waiting for a nice big chunk of time to do it, which face it, doesn't happen much in the life of a SAHM to 3!! So I'm going to try to get these things done in small amounts now...
Anyway, this has taken a good chunk of time to do already, so I'll leave it for now... possibly missed something but oh well.
Take care all xxx