My Mum is so special to me. She's such a wonderful woman, and I just wanted to dedicate this post to her.
As some of you may know, Mum went in for an operation on Monday. She's had to have a full hysterectomy, as they found some cancerous cells in her uterus. Unfortunately, this is the easy part, as the next few months will put us through some *follow-up* treatment.
This has really got me thinking how great my Mum is over the last few weeks. With Mothers Day on Sunday just gone, we spent a little extra money and spoilt her with a beautiful gold necklace and heart pendant. I wanted to give her something special that she can wear close to her heart all the time, even when we can't be there. She was really touched by it I think. I hope. I just hope she knows how much we all love her and will be supporting and praying for her over the next few months...
Anyway, just reminiscing on some reasons why my Mum is so great:
* When I found out I was pregnant at 17, she already had figured it out! (only Mum's can do that) She was also the most wonderful, most supportive thing in my life at that time. Dad was a little shocked, but Mum knew exactly how to deal with it. She was there when Jaidyn was born, talking me through it all, and just being a great Mum and support person. And she's always been there for us since. She even had us living with her for almost a year!
* She calls me most weeks to make a date to catch up or just to see how I'm going. My relationship with my Mum has definitely got so much better since I've become an adult.
* She'll do whatever it takes to give her kids what we need in life. She sacrificed her own home (and sanity) to have Jaidyn and I living with her for a year; she has done all she could to help me set up my own life - moving out, wedding plans, baby plans and money; she's had my sister's ex boyfriend living with them for about 6 months; and now she's sacrificed her own security to send my 17-yr old sister overseas for a year exchange. And she's been happy and loving about it all, never thinking how its going to change her life.
* Earlier this year, we found out she has Type 2 Diabetes. A big lifestyle change. A big diet change. I'm so proud of her. She has stuck to her new diet, and even lost about 10kgs to boot! And she's looking great now!
* She's been a real rock of Gibralter for the last few months. Even though she's the one that is sick, she's been nothing but positive and strong for everyone around her. She has been to visit her mother who is lonely, upset and rather negative and worried for Mum. I think this visit has meant a lot to Nana, and hopefully helps to see that Mum is going to be OK. Mum's never thought negatively about this ordeal, and even though I'm sure she's scared, she's thinking about her family and not herself.
She's just the best!! I think I need to do some scrapping for and/or about her just to remind myself how great she is!!
How about you all just give your Mum a call to tell her how much you love her!
I'm going to see my Mummy at the hospital this afternoon and I'm going to do just that!
Nat xx