Santa lives at the North Pole...JESUS lives everywhere!
Santa rides in a sleigh... JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water!Challenge #2 was to use journalling strips to include a quote on our LO. I found on on 2peas just in time!! I really like this LO actually - loving these Crate papers - I think blue, green and white is my fave colour combo at the moment (and esp good with two boys!)
And I've just had a little play in PS with making a photo gathering - thanks Jas... and I *think* I may have got it... needs a lot more fine-tuning - measurements to make them fit better, but that's ok, I'll do that when I have more time... now I just hope it will upload here....
This is a little handbag album I made for my Mum:
And one almost-the-same for my sisters 18th b'day which was yesterday! Happy B'day Shanny! Love you, and miss you loooottttssssss!!!!!
Well that's all taken me a couple of hours, so I'll sign off now. Gotta get ready to go the Rozzy's for the night tonight. Really looking forward to seeing you girl!!
Will update with some pics from our mini-holiday when I get back!
Got these two *gorgeous* ones of Greg and I... I love em... well they are good of me anyways, that's what matters, right?? hee hee
Well I *was* going to put up some more pics, but it appears that blogger doesn't want to let me (again!!)
So anyways, other things....
YES!! School is back!! Waaaahhooooooo! Some time to catch up, recollect my thought and find my sanity (I'm sure its around here somewhere!). I even almost got the whole house tidy today..... well maybe tomorrow hey..?
Greg is on a week and a half's holidays as of Thursday (well, by now that's tomorrow!!). And YAY, we are going away up the Sunshine Coast for 3 nights next week!!! NIIIIIIIICEEEEE.... and no Jaidyn too (he has to go to school so will stay with his grandparents)... we both really need the break, to get out of the house, and well hopefully it will just be super relaxing!! (Of course, we'll be taking the baby though, but still nice :)
Then, we're all going to stay down the coast with Roz and Clint next weekend (21/22) - can't WAIT to catch up with my dear girl and spend some quality time with her... just relaxing again (oh, and Rozzy, I need an eyebrow wax, can you fit me in?? hehe). I think Greg and I might take Jaidyn to play at King Tut's mini golf on the way down though - what fun - he'll just love it there with its themed courses.... cool stuff..
Hmmm, what else... dunno, but I tell ya, I've been busy!
Oh, caught up with my gorgeous friend Roxy today, whom I have also known for 10 years since early higschool.... had a lovely catch-up - couldn't believe its been 5 months since I saw her last! Of course she thought my little man was to die for gorgeous!
I picked up my sewing machine yesterday. A friend from our old church is moving to USA with her family so she offered her machine to me. Its a fairly old one, and I don't know how to use it or fix it or what-have-you to save my life, so I better start learning soon... I want to uuuuuse it!!
Well, that's enough of my ramlings for now I guess. Will fill in again possibly after we get back from our trip - maybe before if I have anything interesting to say!
God Bless, Nat
5 things that made me smile today:
1. A happy smile as soon as I walked into Eli's room this morning :)
2. A phone message from my beautiful friend Lusi - sorry missed your call gorgeous!
3. Getting my 'to do' list mostly all done
4. A yummo lasagne for dinner - home-made by me too!
5. Boys in bed - peace and quiet....