It's been a pretty awesome weekend here. Greg had both days off so that's always a plus! Friday night I did some scrapping - despite the printer chucking a hissy fit, I just decided to print photos out on plain paper which for some reason works fine, and use them instead - and while it will probably take me another week to finish the layout, it was some scrapping all the same! Jaidyn and I are planning to make Mum a little concertina album about him and Elijah over the school holidays so I've got lots more scrapping to do now - Mum's projects included. :)
Yesterday started slow. Greg had to go into work for 1/2 hour which ended up being 1/2 the day... so I just pottered around here, did bits and pieces of housework and just pottering in general. Then when Greg came home we went out as a family. Had lunch together (just foodcourt stuff) then Greg took Jaidyn to see 'Cars'. I couldn't really go with Eli, so I just walked around the shops. Also saved $13 on a movie (man, they're expensive these days!), so of course I spent it elsewhere.... managed to find a few tops in BigW so I had a successful day. Have been looking for some new tops for the last few days. Everywhere has been crap - Target, Kmart, Rockmans, Crossroads.... always happens that I seem to find stuff in cheap old BigW! Yay, which in turn means I can buy more than one... I got 4 tops - 3 for $15 and one for $10 - bargain! Still haven't found any jeans - mainly because I'm refusing to admit I'm a size bigger - but THAT'S a different story! So that was a great afternoon..
And last night I was going to scrap again, but had an email from my gorgeous new friend Lusi with her phone number so I called her and spend ages chatting about anything and everything! Lusi, you're amazing! Such an inspiration in every sense of the word - spiritually, creatively, and with my weight loss challenges too. God has truly blessed me by bringing you into my life right now. Doesn't He just have a wonderful way of bringing us people and situations and revelations at just the right time!! Soooo looking forward to many more chats with you girl.
This morning we had a great spirit at church. After last night's chat with Lusi, I just felt inspired, in awe of God and hungering His Holy Spirit more (thanks Lus!). So today was a great service.
Afterwards, we had a BBQ with our cell group at the local park. Great stuff! Just love love love my church friends, and always love having a get-together with them. The boys all played soccer (Greg got nicknamed Viduca, lol, for some reason, lol) and we played Mums... my friend Karen had her new baby boy there, and Michelle who's pregnant, and me! Fun all round. Love these guys! Love God for placing them in my life :)
And tonight we're going around to Karen and Mark's (same ppl as above) to play games and just chill out. I'm sure I'll be really tired tomorrow but I'll just have to sleep then huh!
Hope you're all having a great weekend too!
N xx
Oh, and I believe this is my 100th post - gosh, to think I have enough to say to fill 100 posts...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Because I *finally* have some time, some motivation, and some new products to play with..... to do some scrapping....
... and for some reason the printer doesn't want to print properly.....!!!
... and for some reason the printer doesn't want to print properly.....!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Too much to do!
Talk about SWAMPED! I have sooo much to do at the moment, and I don't seem to be making much of a dent in anything at all.... between housework, admin and making calls for church, more housework, scrapbooking and a little more housework, I can't seem to find time to do any of it! Oh yeah, and then there's having a new baby to attend to and keep occupied too! Aahhhh.... My scatter-brain doesn't help either. I start 10 things and then flit and float between them all all day and end up getting none of them finished! Yikes! Brain explosion...
Here's what I have to do: wonder if I can tick anything off today
Wash dishes
Clean bathrooms
Clean up crap that's all over dining table
For church-
Call a few people
Do up newsletter for Sunday
Call a few more people
Battlefield of the Mind study
... oh, and then there's just regualr time with God...
Clean scrap room so I can USE IT
Email and call Mum's friends to help make tin
Decorate tin and inserts
I've decided to alter Mum a smallish lunchbox-style tin. In it I am going to include a little tag-book on a ring that has a tag from each one of her friends and as many family as I can rustle together... so that's a LOT of running around - I just hope everyone co-operates and fast so it doesn't take months in the making... On each tag, I'm going to have a photo, name, and a note to Mum on the back, maybe also a favourite verse, quote or scripture if it fits... so I've got to find who all Mum's friends are and get email addresses/phone numbers to contact them all.... I know she'll love it when its done, I just hope it does get so.
I also went to Mum's craft group yesterday where many of her friends meet each week. In addition to the tin, we're making her a canvas with some small pics of friends and family on it, and the 'Footprints' poem in the centre. It won't be too fancy but it will go with the tin (which will come later)...
Well better go and try and make a dent in that list huh?? Have a great Thursday.
N xx
Here's what I have to do: wonder if I can tick anything off today
Wash dishes
Clean bathrooms
Clean up crap that's all over dining table
For church-
Call a few people
Do up newsletter for Sunday
Call a few more people
Battlefield of the Mind study
... oh, and then there's just regualr time with God...
Clean scrap room so I can USE IT
Email and call Mum's friends to help make tin
Decorate tin and inserts
I've decided to alter Mum a smallish lunchbox-style tin. In it I am going to include a little tag-book on a ring that has a tag from each one of her friends and as many family as I can rustle together... so that's a LOT of running around - I just hope everyone co-operates and fast so it doesn't take months in the making... On each tag, I'm going to have a photo, name, and a note to Mum on the back, maybe also a favourite verse, quote or scripture if it fits... so I've got to find who all Mum's friends are and get email addresses/phone numbers to contact them all.... I know she'll love it when its done, I just hope it does get so.
I also went to Mum's craft group yesterday where many of her friends meet each week. In addition to the tin, we're making her a canvas with some small pics of friends and family on it, and the 'Footprints' poem in the centre. It won't be too fancy but it will go with the tin (which will come later)...
Well better go and try and make a dent in that list huh?? Have a great Thursday.
N xx
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Thanks Shazz :)
Oooh, I received a beautiful gift for Elijah from Shazz and her family last week... and I keep forgetting to say thankyou (have lost your email address again sorry Shazz)...
... so THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU! It was totally unexpected and totally gorgeous and totally too much!! I love it, thanks so much :)

How cute!
... so THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU! It was totally unexpected and totally gorgeous and totally too much!! I love it, thanks so much :)

How cute!
Monday, June 19, 2006

Heehee... isn't he cute! It was 'Pirate Day' at school today for Jaidyn and I just couldn't resist snapping a few piccies :) Don't ya just love my make-up job (and the parrot on his shoulder - hehe) :) :) Jaidyn just *loves* dressing up in costume! He'd dress up every day if he could!

And here's one with little Eli too :) My boys are TOO CUTE!
So I hope you all had a nice weekend. Mine was enjoyable but fairly busy still. On Saturday we had Jaidyn's school fete. Unfortunately Elijah was being temperamental with his feeding and sleeping times, so I had to send Jaidyn along early with his grandparents so he didn't miss out on the cool pirate showbag (costume above), and I finally got there for about an hour. Hence I didn't take the camera coz I wasn't there long - and I get a little anxious with it around so many people - they might steal my baby (the camera)....
Saturday night we went to the hospital to visit our friends Karen and Mark and their new baby Jacob, as well as popping up to see Mum too. Mum is doing better and better each time I see her now. Its great to see her more on the up and up rather than the up and down rollercoaster it had been in previous weeks. She was even feeling and looking good enough to have Jaidyn in to see her too, which was good for both of them :) We had to put on gloves and aprons which was somewhat entertaining for Jaidyn. But its good that she's going well :) She'll still probably be in there for a few weeks (or more - hopefully not too long) but she is definitely improving now.
Sunday we had church. I have recently taken the role of Head of Children's Ministry and had to conduct my first meeting yesterday. But I was organised, and it went well - yay. Maybe He'll make an organiser out of me yet! Ha!
Well, hope you have a great week all!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Its a Boy!
My friend Karen *finally* gave birth last night to a 7lb 13oz boy. They have called him Jacob Daniel. Congratulations to Mark, Karen and little Julie! Yay!! Apparently Kaz says he looks like Julie too... can't wait to go and see them - maybe today or tomorrow :)
So exciting! All this baby news!! I just LOVE it!!
So exciting! All this baby news!! I just LOVE it!!
Friday, June 16, 2006
{About a Boy}
I have decided to start a blog for my little man Elijah. There I will document all his little milestones, the things he enjoys, how I'm feeling etc. I want to make sure these things are documented, for use in scrapbooking and just to look back on later in life... if you'd like to check in from time to time the link is over on my sidebar unmistakenly named 'Eli's blog'...
Oh and SUPER EXCITING NEWS!! Our best friends Ben and Michelle told us last night that they are PREGNANT!! I'm sooooo excited! Bubs is due January 20. Terrible time to be pregnant I say, but Chelle is thin so I'm sure she'll handle the heat ok... They are just going to be the best parents ever! And we can all play babies together... Congratulations guys!!
Also, Michelle's sister Karen was due on Monday and I haven't heard from her in the last couple of days - surely here baby has to come today if it wasn't last night!! Her and her husband are our other really great friends! Its so cool that we're all having babies together!!
Definitely the season for it.
Oh and SUPER EXCITING NEWS!! Our best friends Ben and Michelle told us last night that they are PREGNANT!! I'm sooooo excited! Bubs is due January 20. Terrible time to be pregnant I say, but Chelle is thin so I'm sure she'll handle the heat ok... They are just going to be the best parents ever! And we can all play babies together... Congratulations guys!!
Also, Michelle's sister Karen was due on Monday and I haven't heard from her in the last couple of days - surely here baby has to come today if it wasn't last night!! Her and her husband are our other really great friends! Its so cool that we're all having babies together!!
Definitely the season for it.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Update on Mum...
Another rollercoaster of a week.
One step forward, two steps back.
I really feel for my Dad. I guess I can go on with life a little easier as I'm not used to seeing tMum and Dad all the time, and its not *always* in my mind, but Dad's been up and down, up and down so much lately. I just hope he doesn't have a mental breakdown.
Mum has been in ward most of this week. A couple of trips back to ICU. It seems to be every couple of days something goes backwards again. Very frustrating. She is back in ICU now - her breathing hasn't been too good. It sucks. Poor Mum is so anxious, bored, frustrated and just wants to come home. I don't blame her. Its been a month today since she went in for her run-of-the-mill hysterectomy, expecting to be out in only 4 days. Its been 4 whole weeks! Gosh. It really sucks.
Dad has been up there 1-2 times every single day. Its really wearing him down. That, plus trying to still work a bit, plus coach his basketball teams, and keep family and friends informed. Poor guy needs a break! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers too. Sometimes I think its even harder on him than Mum.
I just wish Mum could come home, but its going to be a while longer. Maybe a month or more even. I haven't been able to get up there as much as I'd like, as I can't take the boys, so I have to try to go when Greg's here or Dad's there to watch Eli and/or Jai for me. I went to see her Thursday. Hopefully again tomorrow if she's not in theatre or anything. She has a huge wound in her stomach they are dressing and draining and re-dressing every couple of days. This is why she's going to be there so long. It has to be clean before they can skin-graft it and send her home to recover. Sometimes I wonder which is worse - this ordeal or going through chemo?? (but Thank God she has been cleared of the cancer and doesn't have to have that treatment too!)
Mum's lucky to have some awesome awesome friends around her though. With her family living in Townsville though, she needs it. And so does Dad. Her friends are amazing! They have been in there a few times a week, taking a 'visiting hours' shift each day so that that Dad doesn't have to go up twice anymore. I feel so blessed that Mum has such wonderful women and families around her, and I thank God for them. How wonderful the gift of friendship is! Mum's best friend Chris is even going to come up with me so that she can mind Eli while I spend some time with Mum. What an awesome blessing that woman is! God has done amazing things with her. She also just decided that she'll make Greg and I some more dinners/goodies just because we have a new baby! Isn't she wonderful!
Anyway, I've organised with Chris to go to Mum's craft group (where they go together every week) and we're going to scrapbook something special for Mum. All the ladies can contribute something like a note or something on a card, maybe a photo too or a verse or scripture. I'm thinking I might alter one of those lunchpail tins to put them all in? Any other ideas?? Something that is easy to place on the table next to her. I think we'll also scrap a little frame with photos of family and friends and maybe a scripture or other uplifting verse in the middle... any other suggestions??
Well, that's about all. Please keep us in your prayers. Especially my Mum and my Dad. Love yas.
One step forward, two steps back.
I really feel for my Dad. I guess I can go on with life a little easier as I'm not used to seeing tMum and Dad all the time, and its not *always* in my mind, but Dad's been up and down, up and down so much lately. I just hope he doesn't have a mental breakdown.
Mum has been in ward most of this week. A couple of trips back to ICU. It seems to be every couple of days something goes backwards again. Very frustrating. She is back in ICU now - her breathing hasn't been too good. It sucks. Poor Mum is so anxious, bored, frustrated and just wants to come home. I don't blame her. Its been a month today since she went in for her run-of-the-mill hysterectomy, expecting to be out in only 4 days. Its been 4 whole weeks! Gosh. It really sucks.
Dad has been up there 1-2 times every single day. Its really wearing him down. That, plus trying to still work a bit, plus coach his basketball teams, and keep family and friends informed. Poor guy needs a break! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers too. Sometimes I think its even harder on him than Mum.
I just wish Mum could come home, but its going to be a while longer. Maybe a month or more even. I haven't been able to get up there as much as I'd like, as I can't take the boys, so I have to try to go when Greg's here or Dad's there to watch Eli and/or Jai for me. I went to see her Thursday. Hopefully again tomorrow if she's not in theatre or anything. She has a huge wound in her stomach they are dressing and draining and re-dressing every couple of days. This is why she's going to be there so long. It has to be clean before they can skin-graft it and send her home to recover. Sometimes I wonder which is worse - this ordeal or going through chemo?? (but Thank God she has been cleared of the cancer and doesn't have to have that treatment too!)
Mum's lucky to have some awesome awesome friends around her though. With her family living in Townsville though, she needs it. And so does Dad. Her friends are amazing! They have been in there a few times a week, taking a 'visiting hours' shift each day so that that Dad doesn't have to go up twice anymore. I feel so blessed that Mum has such wonderful women and families around her, and I thank God for them. How wonderful the gift of friendship is! Mum's best friend Chris is even going to come up with me so that she can mind Eli while I spend some time with Mum. What an awesome blessing that woman is! God has done amazing things with her. She also just decided that she'll make Greg and I some more dinners/goodies just because we have a new baby! Isn't she wonderful!
Anyway, I've organised with Chris to go to Mum's craft group (where they go together every week) and we're going to scrapbook something special for Mum. All the ladies can contribute something like a note or something on a card, maybe a photo too or a verse or scripture. I'm thinking I might alter one of those lunchpail tins to put them all in? Any other ideas?? Something that is easy to place on the table next to her. I think we'll also scrap a little frame with photos of family and friends and maybe a scripture or other uplifting verse in the middle... any other suggestions??
Well, that's about all. Please keep us in your prayers. Especially my Mum and my Dad. Love yas.
Update on the boy...
I haven't blogged in almost a week. Boy, the time catches up with you.
Not a great deal happening this week really, just usual life stuff. But I guess even that is pretty busy and hectic right now. I think I will blog my updates separately so if you don't want to read in detail how my Mum's doing you can skip the next one... but I just need to vent, get it out, so sorry that one will probably be long...
Anyway... Eli is growing fast. He is 3 weeks old today! Really, it seems longer. He's very almost out of his OOOO bonds wondersuits now, so not sure if I'll get the OOO or OO in them next... he's still not really into OOOO in Target or Kmart, but will probably be this week... it sux when there is so much difference between brands in sizing. I don't know what to get him now! But will have to update the wardrobe a bit this week... he's got hardly any clothes, been wearing the same 3-4 outfits for the last 2 weeks. Poor little chap.
He's feeding really well, as can be inferred by the fact he's growing fast! Sleeping is still a little haywire. Not really in a set routine just yet, but that's probably more about me and what I'm doing during the daytime. He's in a 3-4 hour cycle mostly. But I have noticed he's sleeping for shorter times now. Well, he has one or two long sleeps a day, then is a little more restless the other times. Nights were better the first week. He goes between one and two wakes a night, but again, this depends on his last feed time, so he's still being good I guess :) Sleeps for at least 3 hours at a time at night, usually a little more. Guess I can't whinge about that huh...
I was just thinking of having some nice piccies on this post to brighten it up a bit, but realised I ahven't really taken any of my man this week... what a slack excuse for a scrapbooking mum! Might try for the mini-shoot today then :)
N xx
Not a great deal happening this week really, just usual life stuff. But I guess even that is pretty busy and hectic right now. I think I will blog my updates separately so if you don't want to read in detail how my Mum's doing you can skip the next one... but I just need to vent, get it out, so sorry that one will probably be long...
Anyway... Eli is growing fast. He is 3 weeks old today! Really, it seems longer. He's very almost out of his OOOO bonds wondersuits now, so not sure if I'll get the OOO or OO in them next... he's still not really into OOOO in Target or Kmart, but will probably be this week... it sux when there is so much difference between brands in sizing. I don't know what to get him now! But will have to update the wardrobe a bit this week... he's got hardly any clothes, been wearing the same 3-4 outfits for the last 2 weeks. Poor little chap.
He's feeding really well, as can be inferred by the fact he's growing fast! Sleeping is still a little haywire. Not really in a set routine just yet, but that's probably more about me and what I'm doing during the daytime. He's in a 3-4 hour cycle mostly. But I have noticed he's sleeping for shorter times now. Well, he has one or two long sleeps a day, then is a little more restless the other times. Nights were better the first week. He goes between one and two wakes a night, but again, this depends on his last feed time, so he's still being good I guess :) Sleeps for at least 3 hours at a time at night, usually a little more. Guess I can't whinge about that huh...
I was just thinking of having some nice piccies on this post to brighten it up a bit, but realised I ahven't really taken any of my man this week... what a slack excuse for a scrapbooking mum! Might try for the mini-shoot today then :)
N xx
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
We have Broadband... YAY!
No more slow speed.
No more being cut off.
No more uploading posts or photos for 2 hours straight!
No more slow speed.
No more being cut off.
No more uploading posts or photos for 2 hours straight!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Just had to share...

How CUTE is this little face!!
That's my gorgeous boy enjoying his bath the other day.
I just love him so much I could eat him!
Some time to update my blog!
Goodness me its hard to find time with a newborn. It's all about being organised and doing everything in 2-3 hour slots. And it seems that everytime I've tried to get on here this past week, I've got caught up chatting to someone in MSN or Elijah wakes up or something else that a woman/wife/mother needs to do!
Boy, its been a busy few weeks. Lots of things going on in my life, and not just becoming a new mum. So I'll let you know in as short a form as I can, as I know you don't want to be reading all day long!
Firstly, Elijah:
Well, he's pretty much an angel. And I'm not just saying that as a biassed doting mother. I think I've lucked out in the 'good baby' stakes again, much to the disgrace of both mine and Greg's mothers - as we were quite 'horror' children (so 2 wrongs CAN make a right!)... he's sleeping well, feeding well, just being generally gorgeous. As most babies do, he gets a little unsettled around early evening, and I'm not sure if this could also be due to a lack of quality or quantity in my milkat this time of day, but I've been doing what I can - having a got shower before I feed him to stimulate the milk supply, as well as having feeds a little closer together at that time of day. He's doing well though.
We've established quite a good routine already. He has pretty naturally fallen into a 3 hour feeding routine - and often longer as he sleeps too long! lol... but I'm not worried really. He's also easily following the routine I had planned of feed, waketime, sleep... so I'm chuffed about that too! Who knows what could happen over the next few weeks though, but I hope he continues this well!
Bath-time is our favourite time of day. Eli just loves his bath! And he has the nicest wake-time afterwards. I love this time of day! He particulalry loves being on his tummy in the bath - it seems to really relax him!
Jaidyn and Eli are getting on really well. Jaidyn just loves being a big brother and loves just to watch Eli and talk to him and hold him when he can. Unfortunately with school during the day, and with a newborn eating and sleeping as much as they do, Jai doesn't get a *lot* of time to hold him, but I try to make sure he gets one in the morning and one in the afternoon at least. It's special bonding time for both of them.
Secondly, my Mum:
Boy, what a couple of weeks its been! As most of you know, my Mum went in for a procedural hysterectomy on the 15th May for cancer treatment. She was not looking so good all week after this and finally by Friday they realised something was wrong as her kidneys hadn't really regained function after the operation. Friday they took her to Intensive Care and performed an operation to try and see what the problem was. Due to the anaesthesia though, her heart rate dropped a heap so they had to sedate her further and had her stable but on a lot of machines and drugs to do so. Gosh, what a night that was. Greg and I went into the hospital to be with Dad coz he was a bit of a wreck. Mainly because we didn't know what the problem was. But the doctors had to find out, so with fairly high risks for her heart etc, they had to cut her open (so much for the key-hole hysterectomy) and see what the problem was. Finally they found it! (and we fully believe it was God, because we had soooo many people praying for direction for her doctors) During the procedure, they must have *nicked* her bowel and her wastes and such were spilling out and poisoning her body. So they fixed that. Then was the slow recovery in ICU. It seems though that the Friday night just mentioned, her body was starting to give up as we seemed to have problem on problem present itself in this last week. Firstly her kidneys took a while to recover. Then it was her lungs. They say one was partly collapsed, and they were afraid of a shadow that was on one too - had to make sure it wasn't pnemonia. She slowly got off the ventilator. Then there was a slight outbreak of some infection in ICU and the person next to her tested positive so they have had her in isolation also. My poor Mum and family have been through quite an ordeal this week!
Finally though, Mum got out of ICU after a week or so. She is in Ward now, and will probably be for another week. Her wound is slightly infected so they have to keep cleaning that and then she'll be out! Can't wait!
She hasn't even met little Elijah yet! That is the hardest part. I went through it all and am still without my Mum. Mum and I are pretty close, and she is so desparate to meet the little man, but the doctors have said not to take him in in case of infection or anything like that and you just can't risk that. So she's seen photos but that's all... can't wait until she's home and she can meet her new little grandson.
Thankyou so so so much to everyone who has been sending up prayers and vibes this way. We have never needed as much prayer and thoughts as we have this week or so. Thankyou.
Thirdly, Greg finally got his promotion!
He will be the Store Manager of the new ALDI store at Toombul starting in a few weeks. We are so happy about this and I'm so proud of him. It seems its been a long time in coming and it was great to finally hear those words of promotion from the big boss, rather than just hear-say that its been for a few weeks/months even. The store opens around the 29th June. We'll have to deal with Greg working long hours the two weeks prior to this, but hopefully we'll be settled enough to handle it.
So yay honey!
So yes, I won't bore you with any more, as I know this is well and truly enough for one post/day. If you made it to the end, well done.
Love yas, N xx
Goodness me its hard to find time with a newborn. It's all about being organised and doing everything in 2-3 hour slots. And it seems that everytime I've tried to get on here this past week, I've got caught up chatting to someone in MSN or Elijah wakes up or something else that a woman/wife/mother needs to do!
Boy, its been a busy few weeks. Lots of things going on in my life, and not just becoming a new mum. So I'll let you know in as short a form as I can, as I know you don't want to be reading all day long!
Firstly, Elijah:
Well, he's pretty much an angel. And I'm not just saying that as a biassed doting mother. I think I've lucked out in the 'good baby' stakes again, much to the disgrace of both mine and Greg's mothers - as we were quite 'horror' children (so 2 wrongs CAN make a right!)... he's sleeping well, feeding well, just being generally gorgeous. As most babies do, he gets a little unsettled around early evening, and I'm not sure if this could also be due to a lack of quality or quantity in my milkat this time of day, but I've been doing what I can - having a got shower before I feed him to stimulate the milk supply, as well as having feeds a little closer together at that time of day. He's doing well though.
We've established quite a good routine already. He has pretty naturally fallen into a 3 hour feeding routine - and often longer as he sleeps too long! lol... but I'm not worried really. He's also easily following the routine I had planned of feed, waketime, sleep... so I'm chuffed about that too! Who knows what could happen over the next few weeks though, but I hope he continues this well!
Bath-time is our favourite time of day. Eli just loves his bath! And he has the nicest wake-time afterwards. I love this time of day! He particulalry loves being on his tummy in the bath - it seems to really relax him!
Jaidyn and Eli are getting on really well. Jaidyn just loves being a big brother and loves just to watch Eli and talk to him and hold him when he can. Unfortunately with school during the day, and with a newborn eating and sleeping as much as they do, Jai doesn't get a *lot* of time to hold him, but I try to make sure he gets one in the morning and one in the afternoon at least. It's special bonding time for both of them.
Secondly, my Mum:
Boy, what a couple of weeks its been! As most of you know, my Mum went in for a procedural hysterectomy on the 15th May for cancer treatment. She was not looking so good all week after this and finally by Friday they realised something was wrong as her kidneys hadn't really regained function after the operation. Friday they took her to Intensive Care and performed an operation to try and see what the problem was. Due to the anaesthesia though, her heart rate dropped a heap so they had to sedate her further and had her stable but on a lot of machines and drugs to do so. Gosh, what a night that was. Greg and I went into the hospital to be with Dad coz he was a bit of a wreck. Mainly because we didn't know what the problem was. But the doctors had to find out, so with fairly high risks for her heart etc, they had to cut her open (so much for the key-hole hysterectomy) and see what the problem was. Finally they found it! (and we fully believe it was God, because we had soooo many people praying for direction for her doctors) During the procedure, they must have *nicked* her bowel and her wastes and such were spilling out and poisoning her body. So they fixed that. Then was the slow recovery in ICU. It seems though that the Friday night just mentioned, her body was starting to give up as we seemed to have problem on problem present itself in this last week. Firstly her kidneys took a while to recover. Then it was her lungs. They say one was partly collapsed, and they were afraid of a shadow that was on one too - had to make sure it wasn't pnemonia. She slowly got off the ventilator. Then there was a slight outbreak of some infection in ICU and the person next to her tested positive so they have had her in isolation also. My poor Mum and family have been through quite an ordeal this week!
Finally though, Mum got out of ICU after a week or so. She is in Ward now, and will probably be for another week. Her wound is slightly infected so they have to keep cleaning that and then she'll be out! Can't wait!
She hasn't even met little Elijah yet! That is the hardest part. I went through it all and am still without my Mum. Mum and I are pretty close, and she is so desparate to meet the little man, but the doctors have said not to take him in in case of infection or anything like that and you just can't risk that. So she's seen photos but that's all... can't wait until she's home and she can meet her new little grandson.
Thankyou so so so much to everyone who has been sending up prayers and vibes this way. We have never needed as much prayer and thoughts as we have this week or so. Thankyou.
Thirdly, Greg finally got his promotion!
He will be the Store Manager of the new ALDI store at Toombul starting in a few weeks. We are so happy about this and I'm so proud of him. It seems its been a long time in coming and it was great to finally hear those words of promotion from the big boss, rather than just hear-say that its been for a few weeks/months even. The store opens around the 29th June. We'll have to deal with Greg working long hours the two weeks prior to this, but hopefully we'll be settled enough to handle it.
So yay honey!
So yes, I won't bore you with any more, as I know this is well and truly enough for one post/day. If you made it to the end, well done.
Love yas, N xx
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