Well today was a 'me' day, Jaidyn gone to Grandma's and Greg at work... however it is almost over and I've not done half the things I wanted to do! I had wanted to get into my scrapbooking part of my Crafty Kids kit as I've done no pages so far.. I've also got class samples to make up, flyers to make for advertising my new business, not to mention the housework (you'd just die if you saw my house right now). So I'm a bit bummed really.
Well what have you been doing all day then Nat?? Good girl here went to the gym this morning after droping Jai at grandma's and well when I was finished there it was midday already. A friend asked me over for lunch then, so that's where most of my afternoon has gone. A little house-cleaning and a bit of a net-surf... no scrapping so far...
Maybe Greg will let me scrap tonight.
Hope you're all having a fab weekend.
Nat xx
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Big package in the mail!!
Ooh it was so exciting! A HUGE box in the mail... which was my Crafty Kids starter pack - it was like Christmas opening it all! So much new stuff to play with. So many bits and pieces to make for my demonstrations. Even a DVD to watch - training for a certain card-making workshop. I can't wait to get into it all and actually start teaching these too! I will certainly have enough to fill my time over the next week or so (when I should actually be writing up job applications).
Stampers Heaven also got me excited when I saw their new ribbons! They have a whole new stand of ribbons that they've packed themselves so they are pretty well priced too. I bought a few for myself, but mainly for my classes. almost all organised now, but I have to be coz September is going to be busy!
Well, not much else to say. Sorry Ali, I've been such a slack-arse when it comes to the gym. I had all intentions to go both yesterday and today, but alas didn't get their either times! Ggggrrrr... get so mad at myself... am DEFINITELY going tomorrow though. Greg has the day off, so no excuses...
We also migh have a second car again finally next week. It's not much overly exciting, just an older one that a friend of Dad's has re-engined etc, but it will be a good price and will be a good little second car for when we finally get a nice newer one to replace mine.... it will be so good to have 2 cars again though. We've gone about 2 months with just one. Me having to get up early to take Greg to work and pick him up late too. Sometimes waiting outside ALDI for 30 mins or so... annoying, but you gotta do it huh. It will be good to have another one.
Well, off to get Greg from work. I borrowed 'Labyrinth' on DVD to watch tonight. Anyone remember this one?? It was one of my favourites as a child so I'm looking forward to watching it again, even though they are never as good when you watch them as an adult don't you think...
Ciao, N xxx
Stampers Heaven also got me excited when I saw their new ribbons! They have a whole new stand of ribbons that they've packed themselves so they are pretty well priced too. I bought a few for myself, but mainly for my classes. almost all organised now, but I have to be coz September is going to be busy!
Well, not much else to say. Sorry Ali, I've been such a slack-arse when it comes to the gym. I had all intentions to go both yesterday and today, but alas didn't get their either times! Ggggrrrr... get so mad at myself... am DEFINITELY going tomorrow though. Greg has the day off, so no excuses...
We also migh have a second car again finally next week. It's not much overly exciting, just an older one that a friend of Dad's has re-engined etc, but it will be a good price and will be a good little second car for when we finally get a nice newer one to replace mine.... it will be so good to have 2 cars again though. We've gone about 2 months with just one. Me having to get up early to take Greg to work and pick him up late too. Sometimes waiting outside ALDI for 30 mins or so... annoying, but you gotta do it huh. It will be good to have another one.
Well, off to get Greg from work. I borrowed 'Labyrinth' on DVD to watch tonight. Anyone remember this one?? It was one of my favourites as a child so I'm looking forward to watching it again, even though they are never as good when you watch them as an adult don't you think...
Ciao, N xxx
Monday, August 22, 2005
An awesome weekend!!
I'm still in recorvey mode (need more sleep) but we had a really awesome weekend at the church camp/retreat. We made new friends and are starting to think that we would definitely like to be a part of this church. Everyone was really welcoming, really open and friendly.
The accomodation wasn't the best, but it was a minor part of the weekend really. We were in a small dorm-style room behind the main hall and next to a mum with 4 boistrous boys... feel sorry for her - they are certainly a handful! They kept me up on Friday night as they came to bed at 10.30pm but were mucking around, yelling, running around etc till about 11.30pm! Poor Mum!! Then the boys were knackered on the Saturday night so I thought I'd get some sleep, but the adults were in the mess hall (right underneath our room), laughing and talking loudly till 12.30pm - my husband included! So not much sleep for me, but I can catch up hey!!
Spiritually, it was really empowering, uplifting and revelationary (is that a word?)... Sunday morning we had a 2-hour prayer session. Everyone was in tears (men included) being moved by the Holy Spirit and it was really one of the most profound spiritual times of my life! We all opened up about what we needed prayer about in our lives and it was so free-ing... Absolutely incredible! We even had a 65-or-so-yr-old give her heart to God! Yay!! It was incredible!
This morning I babysat my friend Karen's little bub (9-month old) Julie. Oh, how cute - baby! Getting clucky again hey! Lol, it surprises me how quickly I had forgotten all the little baby routines and such though... guess you get caught up in where your kids are at the moment...
Have a semi-busy week ahead. Didn't get to the gym today coz I was babysitting, but I'm going to try to go after my Crafty Kids training in the morning... and a couple more times in the week - I really just gotta do it! Have to really get my class samples ready too as I have a few classes coming up over the next 2-3 weeks... and hopefully I'll also pick up some Crafty Kids demos after I have my launch, and be happily busy!
Nat xx
The accomodation wasn't the best, but it was a minor part of the weekend really. We were in a small dorm-style room behind the main hall and next to a mum with 4 boistrous boys... feel sorry for her - they are certainly a handful! They kept me up on Friday night as they came to bed at 10.30pm but were mucking around, yelling, running around etc till about 11.30pm! Poor Mum!! Then the boys were knackered on the Saturday night so I thought I'd get some sleep, but the adults were in the mess hall (right underneath our room), laughing and talking loudly till 12.30pm - my husband included! So not much sleep for me, but I can catch up hey!!
Spiritually, it was really empowering, uplifting and revelationary (is that a word?)... Sunday morning we had a 2-hour prayer session. Everyone was in tears (men included) being moved by the Holy Spirit and it was really one of the most profound spiritual times of my life! We all opened up about what we needed prayer about in our lives and it was so free-ing... Absolutely incredible! We even had a 65-or-so-yr-old give her heart to God! Yay!! It was incredible!
This morning I babysat my friend Karen's little bub (9-month old) Julie. Oh, how cute - baby! Getting clucky again hey! Lol, it surprises me how quickly I had forgotten all the little baby routines and such though... guess you get caught up in where your kids are at the moment...
Have a semi-busy week ahead. Didn't get to the gym today coz I was babysitting, but I'm going to try to go after my Crafty Kids training in the morning... and a couple more times in the week - I really just gotta do it! Have to really get my class samples ready too as I have a few classes coming up over the next 2-3 weeks... and hopefully I'll also pick up some Crafty Kids demos after I have my launch, and be happily busy!
Nat xx
Friday, August 19, 2005
Going away for the weekend
Well, we're off for the weekend this arvo. I'm really looking forward to it, even though it will probably be rather cold up at Mt Glorious, northside of Brisbane...
I just love church camps! Haven't been on one for a while, and I was single then, so I'm sure it will be rather different this time. We are going with the 'new' church so will also get the chance to meet and get to know lots of people we haven't really had anything to do yet. Sus out a bit more if this church is where we want to be...
And Yay, finally got the new battery charger and some new batteries so I'll tape up my camera where its broken and hopefully get some new piccies on the weekend! I really want to get back into photography and scrapping! (and think a new stash will be in order too...)
Last night I had a go at making some earrings with my new stuff and had to laugh at myself! I really don't know what I'm doing and it was harder than it looks, so it seems I'll have to get myself a book to learn the techniques, lol....
Spent a few hours making up the kits for my accordion album class that I'm doing for Mum's craft group in a week and a half. I'm excited about it, but starting to realise its harder than I originally thought to get together the things I need when I'm not in a shop - eg adhesives, scissors etc. I just hope some of the ladies who already scrapbook bring along theirs, or there might be a bit of waiting... bought some yummy papers from SAM yesterday and really wanted them for myself instead - I'm sure the ladies will be pleased though. I have 9 ladies doing the class, so that's a good number. Not charging much ($10 each) but it will make a little cash for us.
Mum and Dad moved into their new house today. Greg went along to help the removalist guys and I managed to work my way out of it because bringing Jai would just get in the way! Heehee... think I'll go sometime this week and help Mum to unpack though, and we've been invited over on Wed (Greg's day off) to see the new place and all. Greg says its nice. And it has a pool which will be good for summer! Yay!
Well, better get off the PC soon and pack for the weekend hey!
Nat xx
I just love church camps! Haven't been on one for a while, and I was single then, so I'm sure it will be rather different this time. We are going with the 'new' church so will also get the chance to meet and get to know lots of people we haven't really had anything to do yet. Sus out a bit more if this church is where we want to be...
And Yay, finally got the new battery charger and some new batteries so I'll tape up my camera where its broken and hopefully get some new piccies on the weekend! I really want to get back into photography and scrapping! (and think a new stash will be in order too...)
Last night I had a go at making some earrings with my new stuff and had to laugh at myself! I really don't know what I'm doing and it was harder than it looks, so it seems I'll have to get myself a book to learn the techniques, lol....
Spent a few hours making up the kits for my accordion album class that I'm doing for Mum's craft group in a week and a half. I'm excited about it, but starting to realise its harder than I originally thought to get together the things I need when I'm not in a shop - eg adhesives, scissors etc. I just hope some of the ladies who already scrapbook bring along theirs, or there might be a bit of waiting... bought some yummy papers from SAM yesterday and really wanted them for myself instead - I'm sure the ladies will be pleased though. I have 9 ladies doing the class, so that's a good number. Not charging much ($10 each) but it will make a little cash for us.
Mum and Dad moved into their new house today. Greg went along to help the removalist guys and I managed to work my way out of it because bringing Jai would just get in the way! Heehee... think I'll go sometime this week and help Mum to unpack though, and we've been invited over on Wed (Greg's day off) to see the new place and all. Greg says its nice. And it has a pool which will be good for summer! Yay!
Well, better get off the PC soon and pack for the weekend hey!
Nat xx
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Fairly ordinary Ekka show day
Greg is working today, so it's pretty much an ordinary day here for me, except that I have Jaidyn home instead of at daycare... we had coffee with a couple of my girlfriends this morning and that was nice. I was extra good and didn't even get any cake, even when Michelle did - was rather proud of myself for that...
Have got a hap of housework to do, as well as a heap of selection criteria and job stuff to do, but I really am not in the right frame of mind at the moment...
As I mentioned earlier, I signed up with Crafty Kids the other day - yay, and my Team Leader sent me a heap of files and info today - yay, exciting... so I'm just looking through it all, and sending out invites to my business launch!! How exciting... My team leader does the demo for me, but I get the sales made from the night and the party bookings to start me off on my own..... so if anyone wants to come and help me out, its on Sat Sept 3rd at my place... let me know if you want to come!!!
Better get moving, justa quick blog update today... hope you are all having a nice Ekka holiday (those of you in Bris anyway)...
Nat xxx
Have got a hap of housework to do, as well as a heap of selection criteria and job stuff to do, but I really am not in the right frame of mind at the moment...
As I mentioned earlier, I signed up with Crafty Kids the other day - yay, and my Team Leader sent me a heap of files and info today - yay, exciting... so I'm just looking through it all, and sending out invites to my business launch!! How exciting... My team leader does the demo for me, but I get the sales made from the night and the party bookings to start me off on my own..... so if anyone wants to come and help me out, its on Sat Sept 3rd at my place... let me know if you want to come!!!
Better get moving, justa quick blog update today... hope you are all having a nice Ekka holiday (those of you in Bris anyway)...
Nat xxx
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Just broadening my horizons...
No Rozzie, you haven't 'lost' me to the world of beading.... I'm just expanding my hobby a little... especially now while my camera is not working and I have nothing to scrap... my eyes are just wandering around, seeing what else I can spend money on..... lol... I'll still always be a scrapper - now just to get me that Rebel hey!!
What a day we had bead shopping! I tell you, I am soo over looking at beads for one day! We started out at Spotlight and bought tools and findings there, but waited for beads till we got the the proper bead shop... well, we spent almost 2 hours there I swear! It was so hard to decide what we wanted to start with... and the lady there was not much help either... you'd think she would try to sell us beads hey, well she told us to buy this techniques book then come back later to buy beads when we work out what we want to make - weird... especially when we asked her what beads to get coz we really wanted some! She was just really UNhelpful... which made it harder! But we came home with a few selections and best of all some ideas from what she had made in the cabinets - some LOVELY stuff, but most of it with the really $$ beads too... I told Hayley that just starting out I think we should start with the cheaper beads until we have the hang of it a bit and can really make REALLY nice things with the more expensive ones... there were so many really pretty ones though... I ended up getting some nice pink and green ones to make a necklace with (inspired by one she'd made)....... so we're over it for one day.... so now Thursday we'll just start making some stuff! Nice! Hope it doesn't get too frustrating then! The joys of a new venture hey!
Got out Ladder 49 to watch tonight... yummm, LOVED that movie... did you all?? We usually go out to a church group Tuesday nights and its not on tonight so I took opportunity of the $1 DVDs.... Greg hasn't seen Ladder 49 yet and I loved it so much so can't wait to watch it with him and have some quality cuddling time too!
Have a great night all xxx
What a day we had bead shopping! I tell you, I am soo over looking at beads for one day! We started out at Spotlight and bought tools and findings there, but waited for beads till we got the the proper bead shop... well, we spent almost 2 hours there I swear! It was so hard to decide what we wanted to start with... and the lady there was not much help either... you'd think she would try to sell us beads hey, well she told us to buy this techniques book then come back later to buy beads when we work out what we want to make - weird... especially when we asked her what beads to get coz we really wanted some! She was just really UNhelpful... which made it harder! But we came home with a few selections and best of all some ideas from what she had made in the cabinets - some LOVELY stuff, but most of it with the really $$ beads too... I told Hayley that just starting out I think we should start with the cheaper beads until we have the hang of it a bit and can really make REALLY nice things with the more expensive ones... there were so many really pretty ones though... I ended up getting some nice pink and green ones to make a necklace with (inspired by one she'd made)....... so we're over it for one day.... so now Thursday we'll just start making some stuff! Nice! Hope it doesn't get too frustrating then! The joys of a new venture hey!
Got out Ladder 49 to watch tonight... yummm, LOVED that movie... did you all?? We usually go out to a church group Tuesday nights and its not on tonight so I took opportunity of the $1 DVDs.... Greg hasn't seen Ladder 49 yet and I loved it so much so can't wait to watch it with him and have some quality cuddling time too!
Have a great night all xxx
Monday, August 15, 2005
One year on....
I can't really believe it. Greg and I have now been married for A YEAR! The time has really gone so quickly... I can still remember doing all the preparations, the hens party, the night before, and the wedding day of course. Time really flies when you are caught up in life hey...
We were a little slack for our special day yesterday though... neither of us really did anything for eachother.... oops... no cards, no presents. We had wanted to go away for the weekend but didn't have the money at the time, so we didn't book anything - maybe next year.
Mum and Dad took Jaidyn up to Toowoomba for Saturday night so we wouldn't have him around for our day. Yesterday morning we got up and went for a yummy buffet breakfast up at Mt Cootha. It was where Greg proposed to me, so it seemed fitting enough. We didn't originally know they served a buffet, so we were pleasantly surprised as it was what we had originally wanted to do anyway.. turned out perfect. It was so lovely. Sitting in the warm sunshine on the deck with that gorgeous view of the whole of Brisbane... magical... and yummy breakfast too... not so good for my diet, but hey, who cares... yummy bacon, egs, tomato, eggs benedict (a favourite of mine), croissants, fruit and yoghurt and yummy sweet danises - yummm..... was divine - we hardly ate again till dinnertime last night... we then went to the shops but silly me wore my new pointy shoes, which I have now decided ARE NOT shopping shoes - my feet were in such agony, so we didn't look for too long.... I got a book I've been wanting for a while, and well, I'll go looking for some new clothes for Greg sometime this week I think... we were not impressed by what we did see though... oh well...
Today Ali and I went to the gym this morning and boy, I can feel it now. Every muscle in my body aches - at least I know I have them hey!! It feels good in a sore kinda way... lol... then Ali took me to Subway for lunch - she's the sweetest thing - and yummm..... love you ali....
This arvo I met up with Crafty Kids consultant Viv for my order and some friends too... I have also signed up as a consultant and looking forward to the new challenges it will present me! Hopefully I can get lots of demos booked and even some classes.... exciting new venture....
Tomorrow my good friend Hayley is coming over and we are going shopping for our starting collection of 'beading'.. yumm... can't wait to get my hands on some gorgeous beads and make some gorgeous jewellery! Love it! I'm so excited about it hey!! It's going to be great fun. Will also get myself a book so I can make lots of flashy kinds.....
I've got a great week ahead actually. Meeting with some girlfriends from uni for morning tea/coffee Wednesday... I love catching up with girlfriends - how good is it... then Hayley is coming over again on Thursday for a day of beading fun.... then we are going away for the weekend for a church retreat. Busy and eventful week ahead! Yay!!
Nat xxx
We were a little slack for our special day yesterday though... neither of us really did anything for eachother.... oops... no cards, no presents. We had wanted to go away for the weekend but didn't have the money at the time, so we didn't book anything - maybe next year.
Mum and Dad took Jaidyn up to Toowoomba for Saturday night so we wouldn't have him around for our day. Yesterday morning we got up and went for a yummy buffet breakfast up at Mt Cootha. It was where Greg proposed to me, so it seemed fitting enough. We didn't originally know they served a buffet, so we were pleasantly surprised as it was what we had originally wanted to do anyway.. turned out perfect. It was so lovely. Sitting in the warm sunshine on the deck with that gorgeous view of the whole of Brisbane... magical... and yummy breakfast too... not so good for my diet, but hey, who cares... yummy bacon, egs, tomato, eggs benedict (a favourite of mine), croissants, fruit and yoghurt and yummy sweet danises - yummm..... was divine - we hardly ate again till dinnertime last night... we then went to the shops but silly me wore my new pointy shoes, which I have now decided ARE NOT shopping shoes - my feet were in such agony, so we didn't look for too long.... I got a book I've been wanting for a while, and well, I'll go looking for some new clothes for Greg sometime this week I think... we were not impressed by what we did see though... oh well...
Today Ali and I went to the gym this morning and boy, I can feel it now. Every muscle in my body aches - at least I know I have them hey!! It feels good in a sore kinda way... lol... then Ali took me to Subway for lunch - she's the sweetest thing - and yummm..... love you ali....
This arvo I met up with Crafty Kids consultant Viv for my order and some friends too... I have also signed up as a consultant and looking forward to the new challenges it will present me! Hopefully I can get lots of demos booked and even some classes.... exciting new venture....
Tomorrow my good friend Hayley is coming over and we are going shopping for our starting collection of 'beading'.. yumm... can't wait to get my hands on some gorgeous beads and make some gorgeous jewellery! Love it! I'm so excited about it hey!! It's going to be great fun. Will also get myself a book so I can make lots of flashy kinds.....
I've got a great week ahead actually. Meeting with some girlfriends from uni for morning tea/coffee Wednesday... I love catching up with girlfriends - how good is it... then Hayley is coming over again on Thursday for a day of beading fun.... then we are going away for the weekend for a church retreat. Busy and eventful week ahead! Yay!!
Nat xxx
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Mmmmm Target catalogue...
Ooh, I just want everything... but here are some of the things I'll be looking at today... yum yum... and Mum just reminded me that she owes me $30 reward for when I had lost 5kgs (all those long months ago...).... yay me!
Yummy! How GORGEOUS is this set!?? (and how gorgeous is this model...) I want this skirt!!!

will have to try on a pair of these pants I think...

Maybe one of these tops...

And the shoes!! They go to SIZE 11!! Yes!! (it's very difficult for me to find shoes that actually fit me)... so I'm going to get some of these!! Hopefully they fit!
So there you go, I'm having a fun outing today.... knowing me though, I'll come back with nothing and feeling fat, frumpy and depressed coz I look nothing like the models do in them!! Oh well, let's see how we go hey...
Nat xx
OK, update...... I have NEW SHOES!!! I feel like such a woman again! You see, it's been a while since I've had some lovely girly shoes - all my previous strappys died and well I was only wearing some pretty thongs or boot-type things.... oh but I was in heaven in Target today! I got so caught up with shoes that I almost forgot to pick Jaidyn up from his b'day party - oops. Thankfully, Mum went and did it for me, so I could try on the skirts too... they aren't s lovely as they look in the catalogue (a bit shorter than I had imagined) so I'm going to continue to look around coz I think I can get one cheaper than $50 anyway... but I got SHOES!!!! I got my FIRST EVER *pointy* pair! Soooo pretty... they are black with no back and kinda-like criss-cross detail on the front... pretty! And I also got a PINK pair - oooohhhh, they are just a strap across the front and a little buckle... they both have little heels, so I am like SO TALL in them, but I don't care coz I love em, and it's nice to feel all feminine...
Was going to take a piccie of them, but now I have realised that my camera is BROKEN! Grrrrr..... just as I fix the battery charger problem..... the bit where the batteries go in.. the bit that clips the cover in... well it BROKE!! So now I have to like sticky-tape it or something!! How annoying... there goes any chances of selling it on Ebay when I get my Rebel... and looks like that should be sooner than later (pretty please Greg!!???).....
Well, I'm wearing my new shoes around the house to wear them in and to practice in the stiletto heels.... big tall girls and stilettos don't go too well.... hehe....

Yummy! How GORGEOUS is this set!?? (and how gorgeous is this model...) I want this skirt!!!

will have to try on a pair of these pants I think...

Maybe one of these tops...

And the shoes!! They go to SIZE 11!! Yes!! (it's very difficult for me to find shoes that actually fit me)... so I'm going to get some of these!! Hopefully they fit!
So there you go, I'm having a fun outing today.... knowing me though, I'll come back with nothing and feeling fat, frumpy and depressed coz I look nothing like the models do in them!! Oh well, let's see how we go hey...
Nat xx
OK, update...... I have NEW SHOES!!! I feel like such a woman again! You see, it's been a while since I've had some lovely girly shoes - all my previous strappys died and well I was only wearing some pretty thongs or boot-type things.... oh but I was in heaven in Target today! I got so caught up with shoes that I almost forgot to pick Jaidyn up from his b'day party - oops. Thankfully, Mum went and did it for me, so I could try on the skirts too... they aren't s lovely as they look in the catalogue (a bit shorter than I had imagined) so I'm going to continue to look around coz I think I can get one cheaper than $50 anyway... but I got SHOES!!!! I got my FIRST EVER *pointy* pair! Soooo pretty... they are black with no back and kinda-like criss-cross detail on the front... pretty! And I also got a PINK pair - oooohhhh, they are just a strap across the front and a little buckle... they both have little heels, so I am like SO TALL in them, but I don't care coz I love em, and it's nice to feel all feminine...
Was going to take a piccie of them, but now I have realised that my camera is BROKEN! Grrrrr..... just as I fix the battery charger problem..... the bit where the batteries go in.. the bit that clips the cover in... well it BROKE!! So now I have to like sticky-tape it or something!! How annoying... there goes any chances of selling it on Ebay when I get my Rebel... and looks like that should be sooner than later (pretty please Greg!!???).....
Well, I'm wearing my new shoes around the house to wear them in and to practice in the stiletto heels.... big tall girls and stilettos don't go too well.... hehe....
Well today I am getting my butt into gear about applying for jobs. Been talking to a few people about supply teaching and the money is too good to not get myself into it - and now! (about $250 a day!)... so right now, I'm writing out app letters, searching the web for schools I want to apply to (the Christian schools mainly) and then on Monday I will have to work out After School Care arrangements I will need to make for Jaidyn. Fact is, we're not earning much with me being home, and I'm a fully trained teacher now so I just gotta get out there - and the money will really help... sure, supply isn't guaranteed work, but it's more than I have right now.
Also, from speaking yesterday of no battery charger, Greg informed me that ALDI has one on special next week... it's only $10 so even if it's crappy, it's hardly wasted money... so I'll get one next week and then get back into taking some photos coz I haven't in soooo long....
Going to the gym this morning... need to.... Body Step class (will probably kill me!) 9.05am... then home for a shower and some lunch, then have to take Jaidyn to a friends b'day party at Maccas... while he's there, I'm heading to Target.... how yummy was the new catalogue... I'm especially interested in the shoes today, as they have size 11's and I know they'll go soon, so I'm going to get in early (just hope they fit now!)... might have to try on some of the gorgeous new patterned gypsy skirts.... in aqua/brown or pink/brown of course... I have a few of them circled in my catalogue... I want it all!! Yumm!!
N xx
Also, from speaking yesterday of no battery charger, Greg informed me that ALDI has one on special next week... it's only $10 so even if it's crappy, it's hardly wasted money... so I'll get one next week and then get back into taking some photos coz I haven't in soooo long....
Going to the gym this morning... need to.... Body Step class (will probably kill me!) 9.05am... then home for a shower and some lunch, then have to take Jaidyn to a friends b'day party at Maccas... while he's there, I'm heading to Target.... how yummy was the new catalogue... I'm especially interested in the shoes today, as they have size 11's and I know they'll go soon, so I'm going to get in early (just hope they fit now!)... might have to try on some of the gorgeous new patterned gypsy skirts.... in aqua/brown or pink/brown of course... I have a few of them circled in my catalogue... I want it all!! Yumm!!
N xx
Friday, August 12, 2005
I look at everyone's blogs and gosh, it's almost a new page each day! I just can't keep up with that! Maybe that's why no-one is reading mine... lol... truly though, I haven't scrapped properly in so long... I think I'm a little over it... but no, I'm going to blame that I have no new photos, haven't for months, well because my camera isn't working... actually, its the battery charger that doesn't work but it means no batteries to charge my camera - vicious cycle... I know,. I should just go and get a new one, but seem to never get around to it, and I kinda don't want to coz I really want to get my REBEL someday soooooon.... seems like it will never happen though.... I know once I get that I will be right back in there, taking some gorgeous new photos and scrapping up a storm like you all do, but till then I'm rather bored with it...
This week (or next) I'm going shopping with my friend Hayley for all the startings we need to make jewellery... I'm excited about that! something new to venture into, gifts to make, sell etc... I can't wait.... so if I can get my camera to work for a few moments at a time when I've made some, I might post them up here...
Till then, I've just been drawing sketches of LOs I want to do for some upcoming classes.... it's keeping me busy enough I guess, but I want to scrap... my stash is in sad need of an update though - now just to start earning some money so I can have a splurge!!
We were up in Toowoomba Wed and Thurs night this week. Greg's new job as assistant store manager of ALDI sent him up there for a store opening and put us up in a Motel (nice for a motel too) for 2 nights. It was nice for a change of scenery, cold, and wet and dreary today. Jaidyn and I spent the day yesterday at my grandparents house, so that's always nice. I went into ALDI yesterday and picked up a few specials too... they have a kettle and toaster set (stainless steel) for only $30 so my kitchen looks all flashy now... now just for the new microwave one day! Also picked up some stainless steel storage canisters, which I happened to cut my finger open on today as I was trying to screw the lid on tight - oops, I did it too tight and the glass broke... silly me, so they'll go back for a return... good thing my Mum and Dad are going up to Toowoomba this weekend.
Oh ok, boring story of Nat's life again. No-one is visiting my site, so I must be! I need to get some interesting and blog-worthy things happening in my life hey...
Oh yes, it's our 1 year anniversary on Sunday. We didn't get around to booking anywhere to go away unfortunately, but we'll probably go out for a nice breakfast somewhere and a picnic lunch. Maybe I should make Greg something nice this afternoon.... see what I can come up with... Mum is taking Jaidyn to the Ekka so I have the afternoon to myself (half of the time cleaning the house however, drats)...
Have a great weekend all...
N xx
This week (or next) I'm going shopping with my friend Hayley for all the startings we need to make jewellery... I'm excited about that! something new to venture into, gifts to make, sell etc... I can't wait.... so if I can get my camera to work for a few moments at a time when I've made some, I might post them up here...
Till then, I've just been drawing sketches of LOs I want to do for some upcoming classes.... it's keeping me busy enough I guess, but I want to scrap... my stash is in sad need of an update though - now just to start earning some money so I can have a splurge!!
We were up in Toowoomba Wed and Thurs night this week. Greg's new job as assistant store manager of ALDI sent him up there for a store opening and put us up in a Motel (nice for a motel too) for 2 nights. It was nice for a change of scenery, cold, and wet and dreary today. Jaidyn and I spent the day yesterday at my grandparents house, so that's always nice. I went into ALDI yesterday and picked up a few specials too... they have a kettle and toaster set (stainless steel) for only $30 so my kitchen looks all flashy now... now just for the new microwave one day! Also picked up some stainless steel storage canisters, which I happened to cut my finger open on today as I was trying to screw the lid on tight - oops, I did it too tight and the glass broke... silly me, so they'll go back for a return... good thing my Mum and Dad are going up to Toowoomba this weekend.
Oh ok, boring story of Nat's life again. No-one is visiting my site, so I must be! I need to get some interesting and blog-worthy things happening in my life hey...
Oh yes, it's our 1 year anniversary on Sunday. We didn't get around to booking anywhere to go away unfortunately, but we'll probably go out for a nice breakfast somewhere and a picnic lunch. Maybe I should make Greg something nice this afternoon.... see what I can come up with... Mum is taking Jaidyn to the Ekka so I have the afternoon to myself (half of the time cleaning the house however, drats)...
Have a great weekend all...
N xx
Go ALI!!!
A HUGE congratulations to my beautiful friend Ali for making the Design Team for Scrapboxx! I was so excited for you when you told me babe! You are going to be AWESOME! Your stuff is always so inspirational, you are so creative and you are going to make the Boxx even better to go to now (even though it already rocks!)
Congrats girl! Love your work!
Nat xx
Congrats girl! Love your work!
Nat xx
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
A friendship through time...
Yesterday I finally called and went to visit a friend I hadn't seen in almost a year! The last time I saw her was at my wedding and that was, well... one year ago this weekend... I can't believe it has been so long. And I feel terrible that it was. But the wonderful thing was, that we hit it right off from where we left... it was like nothing had changed, even if so much in our life had in the past year. What a treasured friendship to have... the type where you can both be busy with life but still get right back on track where things left off... I have a few friends that are really like this and I treasure them so... I know how life can get busy, and I try to be the same type of friend back....
But I won't be leaving it another year between visits. Sam really has been a wonderful friend to me through the years... we were best friends in Yr 7, then drifted apart in highschool when we had different friends (although attended the same school), then we hooked up again a few years ago when we were both working at Target. Since then, I've had a child and now got married, she's been married and separated, and now we are both living with wonderful men and live a pretty blessed life each. Different, but still a lot in common... I love her to bits.
It makes me really think about friendships. The different types you have in your life, the different things you have in common with them. I have many friends from so many different areas of my life, and sometimes I find it overwhelming to keep up with them all. Sometimes I wish I only had a few friends, but then I would not know the many wonderful, talented and beautiful women I call my friends today. I guess I just have to make sure I spend quality time with all of them and value them all for the special things they bring to my life, because you all have a special place in my heart... and even if I don't see you as much as I'd like, I love you very much....
N xxx
But I won't be leaving it another year between visits. Sam really has been a wonderful friend to me through the years... we were best friends in Yr 7, then drifted apart in highschool when we had different friends (although attended the same school), then we hooked up again a few years ago when we were both working at Target. Since then, I've had a child and now got married, she's been married and separated, and now we are both living with wonderful men and live a pretty blessed life each. Different, but still a lot in common... I love her to bits.
It makes me really think about friendships. The different types you have in your life, the different things you have in common with them. I have many friends from so many different areas of my life, and sometimes I find it overwhelming to keep up with them all. Sometimes I wish I only had a few friends, but then I would not know the many wonderful, talented and beautiful women I call my friends today. I guess I just have to make sure I spend quality time with all of them and value them all for the special things they bring to my life, because you all have a special place in my heart... and even if I don't see you as much as I'd like, I love you very much....
N xxx
Sunday, August 07, 2005
A pretty good weekend...
Well, it's Sunday evening and I've had a pretty good and eventful weekend.
My parents moved out of their house on Friday and are 'freeloading' for two weeks till they move into the new one, so they were staying here on Friday night. We have a double bed in the loungeroom and various boxes of theirs around the house too (food, a lamp etc). My sister is still here - she stayed all weekend as alternative to spending it all at our grandparents... coz Greg has an X-box at least! Boy, I tell you though, I like my own space. There were definitely too many people around here on Saturday... yikes... I'm glad I don't live with my parents anymore actually.... too much...
Greg and I went to Ali's (http://www.alistafford.blogspot.com) house for dinner last night and we had a great time! Oh gosh Ali, the chicken acupulco was divine!! Mmmmmmm...... so tasty... and not to mention the bananas and icecream! Yummm.... thanks so much for having us! We all played 'Cranium' too... I love board games!! Was lots of fun... we'll have to return the favour soon.
We trudged over to the northside to attend our friend's church this morning, which will probably soon become our home church too. Very different to what we are used too (mainly the singing which was a lot more low-key) but a great sermon that really hit home and great company. I just love the people in this church. We spent the afternoon at friends afterwards for lunch, and watched a kids movie (for Jaidyn - Price of Egypt) and just chatted... was a great afternoon... what we really miss at our church - everyone always seems to eager to head off to their own lives... nice to feel a part of it again...
Tonight was stir-fry for dinner and I hacked into Mum's food box for sauces. Made a perfect taste with soy and oyster together, so I'll have to remember it for next time... I feel like some bourbon though... mmmm....
Well, sorry to bore you all, such is my life hey...
The week ahead will yield some refocussing on my diet and fitness hopefully. I've been terribly slack and can't-be-bothered this week... gotta get back to the gym 3-4 times and eat much better. Drink some water too....
More job-hunting and applications. Hopefully I'll get a phonecall and interview for one job I applied for last week, but tim will tell hey. Got some scrapping to do too for my classes coming up in Sept...
Oh, and its our one year wedding anniversary coming up on Sunday... I keep forgetting... we haven't been able to plan anything like getting away coz we are broke, so hopefully we'll get our tax return this week and be able to go out for a fancy breakfast or lunch or dinner or something nice, I think breakfast sounds good..... maybe a quiet picnic lunch somewhere private too.... gosh, I should really have made him sonething, but I sometimes think he must get sick of me making him things... lol.... hopefully we can also go and buy something for eachother on that day too..... (I would love a new ring! hehe)
Have a good week all.... sorry if I've blabbed on a bit here...
Nat xxx
My parents moved out of their house on Friday and are 'freeloading' for two weeks till they move into the new one, so they were staying here on Friday night. We have a double bed in the loungeroom and various boxes of theirs around the house too (food, a lamp etc). My sister is still here - she stayed all weekend as alternative to spending it all at our grandparents... coz Greg has an X-box at least! Boy, I tell you though, I like my own space. There were definitely too many people around here on Saturday... yikes... I'm glad I don't live with my parents anymore actually.... too much...
Greg and I went to Ali's (http://www.alistafford.blogspot.com) house for dinner last night and we had a great time! Oh gosh Ali, the chicken acupulco was divine!! Mmmmmmm...... so tasty... and not to mention the bananas and icecream! Yummm.... thanks so much for having us! We all played 'Cranium' too... I love board games!! Was lots of fun... we'll have to return the favour soon.
We trudged over to the northside to attend our friend's church this morning, which will probably soon become our home church too. Very different to what we are used too (mainly the singing which was a lot more low-key) but a great sermon that really hit home and great company. I just love the people in this church. We spent the afternoon at friends afterwards for lunch, and watched a kids movie (for Jaidyn - Price of Egypt) and just chatted... was a great afternoon... what we really miss at our church - everyone always seems to eager to head off to their own lives... nice to feel a part of it again...
Tonight was stir-fry for dinner and I hacked into Mum's food box for sauces. Made a perfect taste with soy and oyster together, so I'll have to remember it for next time... I feel like some bourbon though... mmmm....
Well, sorry to bore you all, such is my life hey...
The week ahead will yield some refocussing on my diet and fitness hopefully. I've been terribly slack and can't-be-bothered this week... gotta get back to the gym 3-4 times and eat much better. Drink some water too....
More job-hunting and applications. Hopefully I'll get a phonecall and interview for one job I applied for last week, but tim will tell hey. Got some scrapping to do too for my classes coming up in Sept...
Oh, and its our one year wedding anniversary coming up on Sunday... I keep forgetting... we haven't been able to plan anything like getting away coz we are broke, so hopefully we'll get our tax return this week and be able to go out for a fancy breakfast or lunch or dinner or something nice, I think breakfast sounds good..... maybe a quiet picnic lunch somewhere private too.... gosh, I should really have made him sonething, but I sometimes think he must get sick of me making him things... lol.... hopefully we can also go and buy something for eachother on that day too..... (I would love a new ring! hehe)
Have a good week all.... sorry if I've blabbed on a bit here...
Nat xxx
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Got some classes!!
Woohoo! I am back in the 'paid employment' world... just took my stuff into Stampers and Scrapbookers Heaven at Mt Gravatt and she has given me 4 classes to teach to September! Man, in the 3 months I was doing classes at the other store, I only got 2 classes, so this is much better! And with nothing else to do at the moment, I'm excited!! That will be an extra $200 to add to that monthly pay, and we can use all we can get at the moment!
I'm teaching a Kids class over the school holiday (which I'm particulalry excited about, being a teacher and all)... 2 classes on one Saturday (which works well) - giftboxes and monograms, and then another class which may be a shabby chic class...
My day started a bit crappy with sick child driving me up the wall, but I'm a bit more excited and happier now...
Now, better go clean the house....
Oh, and does anyone have any ideas for a good kid's class? I think I'll just have to do some net searching....
N xx
I'm teaching a Kids class over the school holiday (which I'm particulalry excited about, being a teacher and all)... 2 classes on one Saturday (which works well) - giftboxes and monograms, and then another class which may be a shabby chic class...
My day started a bit crappy with sick child driving me up the wall, but I'm a bit more excited and happier now...
Now, better go clean the house....
Oh, and does anyone have any ideas for a good kid's class? I think I'll just have to do some net searching....
N xx
Another uninteresting day planned...
Had a few things planned for today, which have now been cancelled. My dear friend Ali is not feeling well, so we aren't going to the gym (hope you feel better soon darling xx). I could go myself, sure, but we are soooo broke at the moment, I don't even have the $2 for babysitting! So not going... again... man, I'm so slack...
Am going up to Stampers/Scrapbookers Heaven today to show them my stuff, see if they will let me teach some classes. Also, to find out what the payment is and if its worth my time. I think they work on commission of sales too, so will have to scope it out.
My good friend Michelle was meant to come over for a coffee, but can't now, so I'll just have to wait to see her on Sunday at church.
Jaidyn is already driving me nuts. I just want a little time on the net to figure out this blog, and he's been bugging me every 10 minutes.... gggrrr... I just want to scream sometimes... why does everything he wants me to do have to involve me drawing, cutting and making a bit mess!! So frustrating... don't know how you SAHMs have your kids home all week.... oh, here he comes again.... aaahhhh...
Groceries at ALDI this arvo, when I go to pick up Greg. We have a total of $66 for the week's shop, which is usually closer to $100... yikes, we're eating baked beans and other non-meat related foods this week!
Anyway, better go entertain child...
N xx
Am going up to Stampers/Scrapbookers Heaven today to show them my stuff, see if they will let me teach some classes. Also, to find out what the payment is and if its worth my time. I think they work on commission of sales too, so will have to scope it out.
My good friend Michelle was meant to come over for a coffee, but can't now, so I'll just have to wait to see her on Sunday at church.
Jaidyn is already driving me nuts. I just want a little time on the net to figure out this blog, and he's been bugging me every 10 minutes.... gggrrr... I just want to scream sometimes... why does everything he wants me to do have to involve me drawing, cutting and making a bit mess!! So frustrating... don't know how you SAHMs have your kids home all week.... oh, here he comes again.... aaahhhh...
Groceries at ALDI this arvo, when I go to pick up Greg. We have a total of $66 for the week's shop, which is usually closer to $100... yikes, we're eating baked beans and other non-meat related foods this week!
Anyway, better go entertain child...
N xx
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
My Crafty Blog...
Ok, so I have a blog for my weightloss journey, but that might be a little boring for all my scrapping buddies, and I don't want to be out of that loop, so I'm attempting to start a new one for my life in general... bear with me while I work out how blogger works (coz I'm pretty unco at technical stuff like this) but welcome my friends and I hope my life doesn't bore you too much...
Ciao, N xx
Ciao, N xx
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