In other news, we got our new car, FINALLY!!! Sorry, no pic yet - its grey and dismal here and my washing is kinda hanging over the top of it, so won't make for a nice pic. Will get Greg to get one on Monday... but anyway, IT'S. SO. GOOD!!!!! I am totally in love!! Its so good to drive a car that I can't hear over the radio!! I have a CD player, cruise control, it beeps at me to put my seatbelt on, tells me how many k's before I need more fuel, the indicators make a nice soft clicking, central locking, alarm... ohhh nice...... I love it!! If fuel wasn't so $$ I might go for a long drive somewhere!! Oh, and its a silver 2005 Ford Falcon wagon. I love it!!
Lani is now 9 months old - how did that happen!! In the last month she's sprouted FOUR teeth!! Hasn't had too much trouble with them thankfully. But she's growing too fast! She's a pro at crawling now, and pulls herself up on anything she can. She's just starting to let go and stand on her own and things she's the bees knees when she does. She's into everything just like her brother, and her fave naughty thing to do is play with the buttons and dials on the television receiver... I remember writing that exact thing not that long ago for Elijah!! We just got him not touching the buttons, and now we have to deal with it all over again! *sigh*
She's as cute as anything though.
PATOOTIES Nappies is going great-guns! If you go and check out the blog, you will see that the introductory prices that are currently offered are ending on the 5th April - that will be a month from when I started it all. The time has gone so fast, and I've been abundantly blessed with lots of customers and orders to fill, so thankyou from the bottom of my heart to all who have been supporting the business. If you've been thinking about ordering, get in and do it in the next week before the price-rise.
Well, half my Saturday seems to have melted away already, better go do some homemaker duties and look after these kids!!
N xx