Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the little things

My life has been boring, I was just thinking. Was just pondering what I could bore you all with this week. Nothing major has occured. No doctors appointments, no big photo shoots, no overly interesting family events.

Then I just read Tara Whitney's entry for this week. Wow, that woman can write. It has been a year since her beautiful daughter McKenna was badly burnt. I remember reading it a few months back. Remember searching to find out exactly what happened. Remember not finding it, but feeling a mother's pain, anguish and emotion through the weeks that McKenna was holding on for her dear little life. I read today what happened. Nothing overly dramatic. In fact, something that could so easily happen to any one of us. To any one of our precious children.

Reading this has made me reflect on my own life, my family. Its not the big things that matter. Its not the big family events. Its not the days out with friends.

Its the little moments you spend together. Its the hours before and after school when you don't do anything in particular but just spend time with them. Watch them get dressed on their own. Watch them eat their breakfast, brush teeth. Ask them how their day was. What did they learn. Its the little things.

And gosh, how we let these minutes go past. Forget them. Focus on the big things. But these are the moments that make us who we are. Who we are as individuals and who we are in our families. The special little moments that count.

Today Jaidyn is having the day off school. He's not sick. And he's not having the day off just because I was touched by Tara's post. (actually its because Greg took my car to work and I can't really be bothered to walk to school - too hot). But... today I'm going to make the most of my time with my son. Sure, I'll get the housework done, I might watch my DVD or Dr Phil. But I'm going to play with my son. Going to build some lego. Go to the park. Make a book. Do some writing. I'm going to focus on him and our relationship.

Thanks Tara for showing me the special things in life. Because so easily they can be taken away. So easily.



Anonymous said...

This is so true, thanks for sharing. Time passes so quickly and often we forget to enjoy all the little things that happen.

I hope your son has been enjoying school and making some nice friends. Have a great day together.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding us mums why we do what we do each day and to cherish each moment as it happens!