Thursday, July 20, 2006

Celebrating Life!

Been trying to think of a new title for my blog. Want to portray the gift that is life, and be positive. Not sure if this will stick, as its not too sassy lol, but until I think of something better, I will be CELEBRATING LIFE.

In order to do that, I'm going to steal a leaf from Lusi's blog and list some things I'm grateful for today.

1. Living in Australia where there is no war.
2. Family
3. A good cuppa in the morning.
4. A good income so I can bless others.
5. Life!

Enjoy your lives today all :)


lusi said...

I love your 5 things! And I too have been deeply affected by watching what's been happening lately in the world.
I love the new title too!
Lus x

Kylie said...

such awesome things to be grateful for! so true! i just realised i havent read your blog in ages! hope everything is well and great news about bubs starting to sleep right through! all the best!