I think I had that 'reality check' I needed this morning... now I know every girl who's losing weight has a fatty-boomba sooky-lala every now and then, and yeah, I think it's healthy... if you don't then go and eat a whole block of chocolate!... which I can proudly say that I didn't... yay me :)
Was all set to go to the shops today - drop in my class sample to Stampers Heaven which are way late (and I swear now they are giving my job to Ali - lol!), get a vacuum bag, exchange some clothes... when of course ALL my decent clothes are in the wash (yes, been a bit slack in that department)... ggrrrrrr.... so I proceeded to go through all of my wardrobe trying in vain to find something that looked good.... gggrrrrrrr...... to my disappointment, many are getting a little snug and YOU CAN SEE THE FAT ROLLS... so of course that wouldn't do...
So I had a little sooky-lala tantrum... a few tears... many "I'm a fat f**king bitch" and "I look like a piece of s**t' self-comments, a husband trying to comfort me and even little kisses and 'I can only see skinny Mummy' (isn't he cute!) from Jaidyn..... anyway, I got it out, and it was what I needed to kick myself in the arse and get back on this weight loss wagon PROPERLY!
So, I've gained some of the weight back again that I worked so hard to lose - what a loser! Yep. I need to get serious about eating properly and exercising more than once a week! I need to make regular dates with that treadmill and the aerobics instructor!
Cheers to new habits... hopefully.... now I'm off for a walk :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
B... you're terrible!!
Yep, you guessed it girl.... *puts up hand shyly* addicted to Ebay now...
THANKS!! (sarcasm) Now I'm going to spend far more money that I have, and waste even MORE time on the net..... lol.... but there are so mnay nice beeeaaadddssss......
I have bid now on a couple of things, but I'm setting my highest bids fairly low so I don't spend a fortune....
Last night I won this...
OK, so I was really browsing for beading ideas for myself, but I saw this and immediately thought of my friend Sam. We were just talking yesterday and she loves pink and butterflies (logo for her business too), so I just had to buy this for here, and seeing as though I can't make this myself yet.... anyway I hope she likes it....
So yep, thanks B, addicted to ebay now. But seriously, Greg and I really need to get our butts organised and sell some stuff there too... We have a whole garage full of crap that we don't use, and can't be bothered to organise a garage sale, so I think Ebay is the go.... and especially as we'll be moving again in December...
So, haven't really done a great deal over the last couple days. Just my boring life of pottering around doing SFA really... bits and pieces of stuff but nothing overly interesting!
So I'm off to look at Ebay again of course,
Nat xxx
THANKS!! (sarcasm) Now I'm going to spend far more money that I have, and waste even MORE time on the net..... lol.... but there are so mnay nice beeeaaadddssss......
I have bid now on a couple of things, but I'm setting my highest bids fairly low so I don't spend a fortune....
Last night I won this...

OK, so I was really browsing for beading ideas for myself, but I saw this and immediately thought of my friend Sam. We were just talking yesterday and she loves pink and butterflies (logo for her business too), so I just had to buy this for here, and seeing as though I can't make this myself yet.... anyway I hope she likes it....
So yep, thanks B, addicted to ebay now. But seriously, Greg and I really need to get our butts organised and sell some stuff there too... We have a whole garage full of crap that we don't use, and can't be bothered to organise a garage sale, so I think Ebay is the go.... and especially as we'll be moving again in December...
So, haven't really done a great deal over the last couple days. Just my boring life of pottering around doing SFA really... bits and pieces of stuff but nothing overly interesting!
So I'm off to look at Ebay again of course,
Nat xxx
Friday, September 23, 2005
Weddings and dinner with the folks.
Well this afternoon shall be quite nice. We are going to a wedding at our old church, so 1. it will be good to see friends get married (Greg grew up with the bride) and 2. will be good to catch up with friends from the church we haven't seen for a while. I'm wearing my black dress with my teal and black jewellery and Greg is wearing a greeny shirt with black pants and tie.. hopefully we kinda match :) If my camera decides to work this afternoon I'll try to take a couple piccies before we head off...
After wedding we are going to Mum and Dad's for dinner. The wedding finishes early evening and we have to leave a little early as we have to drop Greg's car off at the garage to be fixed tomorrow... so we'll then head out to Mum and Dad's for dinner. They are having family friends over too so it will be good to catch up with them.
Well, I just got home from a session at the gym. I'm sore. I can really feel that my fitness is slipping away so I really need to get there at least 3 times a week from now on... did 30 mins cardio and a body balance class today. Will be rather sore later I think as it really stretches every muscle in my body. Feel good that I went though. Trying to get back onto good eating today too. Had some baked beans on toast, no marg for breakfast and am about to have something for lunch. Will have to throw in a piece of fruit too I think. Hopefully the food at the wedding isn't too fatty!
Well, better be off. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Nat xx
After wedding we are going to Mum and Dad's for dinner. The wedding finishes early evening and we have to leave a little early as we have to drop Greg's car off at the garage to be fixed tomorrow... so we'll then head out to Mum and Dad's for dinner. They are having family friends over too so it will be good to catch up with them.
Well, I just got home from a session at the gym. I'm sore. I can really feel that my fitness is slipping away so I really need to get there at least 3 times a week from now on... did 30 mins cardio and a body balance class today. Will be rather sore later I think as it really stretches every muscle in my body. Feel good that I went though. Trying to get back onto good eating today too. Had some baked beans on toast, no marg for breakfast and am about to have something for lunch. Will have to throw in a piece of fruit too I think. Hopefully the food at the wedding isn't too fatty!
Well, better be off. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Nat xx
Thursday, September 22, 2005
This week...
Wow, it's almost the weekend again already! The weeks sure do go fast. And what do I have to show for it? Well, I've mainly been just pottering around doing bits and pieces I guess...
Tuesday morning I had my first 'real' Crafty Kids demo with the ladies from church. I was really nervous and stuffed up a few times (like not knowing prices or pages etc) but I guess that all comes with practice. I also managed to make more sales this time with only 3 buyers than my launch, so that's good. Some more free products for boosting my kit, and also as supplies for upcoming workshops that I hope I get people to come to!
I have also got myself a referral customer so that's exciting! A lady has moved up from Sydney and wants a consultant and to do workshops and she only lives around the corner apparently! Only thing is, she wants to do a glass painting workshop and I've never done it in my life! But my team leader said she can come and do the class and I can be a participant, and I will get the sales and further bookings. Sounds OK to me, coz I would like to see how she teaches anyway - always interesting to see how each person does it!
Greg and I had a night to ourselves Tuesday night. Jaidyn went for a sleep-over at Mum's so we made the most of it and got some chinese take-away and a DVD. We went for a drive up to the Mt Gravatt lookout to eat our dinner, which was something different for us, so nice. We then came home and watched 'Sahara'... not too bad. I do like Matthew McConaghy (sp!?)...
I had a Crafty Kids training day on Wednesday morning. Got to meet the owners from South Australia and just spend some time focussing on my business. We also got a freebie kit of the new September promotion. It's a tab scrapbook that you get for free when spending $60, so I'll have fun finishing that off and it will be good for upcoming demos hopefully. After the conference, I met Mum and Jaidyn across at the museum. We went to see the new exhibition on predators. Jai really loves the museum!
Been working on my class samples for October too. I have 2 of my 3 classes in the first week so I need to get these finished for this weekend really. Have almost finished one - just need some little photos (and it will be a Chrissie pressie for Greg's mum) and need to finish off my frames class. So might do some of that tonight.
Actually, tonight I really need to do up my job applications. A couple that I have been meaning to do for almost a week! Yikes. Better get those out of the way and sent off! They are for teaching jobs for next year.
Well, I'm off to shower Jaidyn, then I suppose I better clean the loungeroom. I still have bits and pieces from my demo out everywhere... at least Greg is used to my mess... lol...
Ciao, Nat xx
Tuesday morning I had my first 'real' Crafty Kids demo with the ladies from church. I was really nervous and stuffed up a few times (like not knowing prices or pages etc) but I guess that all comes with practice. I also managed to make more sales this time with only 3 buyers than my launch, so that's good. Some more free products for boosting my kit, and also as supplies for upcoming workshops that I hope I get people to come to!
I have also got myself a referral customer so that's exciting! A lady has moved up from Sydney and wants a consultant and to do workshops and she only lives around the corner apparently! Only thing is, she wants to do a glass painting workshop and I've never done it in my life! But my team leader said she can come and do the class and I can be a participant, and I will get the sales and further bookings. Sounds OK to me, coz I would like to see how she teaches anyway - always interesting to see how each person does it!
Greg and I had a night to ourselves Tuesday night. Jaidyn went for a sleep-over at Mum's so we made the most of it and got some chinese take-away and a DVD. We went for a drive up to the Mt Gravatt lookout to eat our dinner, which was something different for us, so nice. We then came home and watched 'Sahara'... not too bad. I do like Matthew McConaghy (sp!?)...
I had a Crafty Kids training day on Wednesday morning. Got to meet the owners from South Australia and just spend some time focussing on my business. We also got a freebie kit of the new September promotion. It's a tab scrapbook that you get for free when spending $60, so I'll have fun finishing that off and it will be good for upcoming demos hopefully. After the conference, I met Mum and Jaidyn across at the museum. We went to see the new exhibition on predators. Jai really loves the museum!
Been working on my class samples for October too. I have 2 of my 3 classes in the first week so I need to get these finished for this weekend really. Have almost finished one - just need some little photos (and it will be a Chrissie pressie for Greg's mum) and need to finish off my frames class. So might do some of that tonight.
Actually, tonight I really need to do up my job applications. A couple that I have been meaning to do for almost a week! Yikes. Better get those out of the way and sent off! They are for teaching jobs for next year.
Well, I'm off to shower Jaidyn, then I suppose I better clean the loungeroom. I still have bits and pieces from my demo out everywhere... at least Greg is used to my mess... lol...
Ciao, Nat xx
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Weekend update...
Have had a fairly good weekend.
Saturday (yesterday) morning I taught a class at the shop (Stampers Heaven at Mt Gravatt). I did a monograms class and really quiet enjoyed this one. We made monogram letters with the ribbon backgrounds and they all turned out great! One particular one I loved was down in lime green, white and fuschia pink - yumm! I really hope my classes for October dont get cancelled coz I really love doing it!
My boss also asked me about Crafty Kids, and I was quite shocked seeing as though I never told anyone at the shop about it. I'm putting it down to that one of the girls must have either heard from someone who knows me or goggled my name and found my blog! In which case, HI girls!! Boss said not to tell any customers about it and of course I wouldn't... I think (and hope!) she's happy to have me working there as long as I keep them separate - no problems I say!
Last night we were just at home. I thought at like 5pm that we should have invited someone over for dinner, but then of course it was too late to ask anyone. I guess I forget about what we are going to do each night, and it's becoming a little monotomous... Anyway, Greg played some game on the pc and I did some scrapping - class samples. I shall take photos when they are finished and when my camera is working... good thing about doing class samples is that I'm making things that I can give as gifts for xmas... usually I don't get around to it, but this year both Mums will probably get something!
This morning Jaidyn and I went to church, Unfortunately Greg was working again - it sucks him working Sundays and I know he really misses coming to church. For those of you who knew about our 'which church' saga, we are now attending my friend Michelle's church over the northside and really loving it so far. I cannot get over the 'community-base' of it. Almost every week I have done something socially with the ladies - I'm loving it!
This arvo I got busy with the jewellery again. Made some stuff that I hope to sell, but I guess it depends if others think they are worthy to buy I guess... I made some black/green earrings, a necklace & earring set in teal, black and clear beads and another set in pale pink and green beads. I need to get more colours to work with now! I might take some piccies tomorrow and put them up here, if ppl are interested in seeing. I'm having fun doing it!
This Tuesday I'm having a Crafty Kids demo at my house. I have got quite a few of the ladies from church coming so I'm excited about that... might have to move the venue to the church though as there are possibly a few kids (like up to 10!) coming and I really don't think I can accomodate that number, especially when we have no backyard and us ladies will be in the loungeroom! Yikes! At least at the church there is a sandpit and swings they can go and occupy themselves with - sounds like a plan to me!
Well girls, that's my weekend. Hope you all have a great week!
Nat xx
P.S. Just realised that I *technically* graduated this week, although I didn't attend the ceremony.... we were a bit broke last week... yay me! I'm a REAL teacher!
P.P.S. My AWESOME friend Michelle got a job! Yay, I'm sooo proud of you Chelle if you ever read this and sooo happy that you have got something after we've been waiting a while. You are going to be awesome teacher and really make a difference in the lives of your students, I can tell! God rocks hey!
Saturday (yesterday) morning I taught a class at the shop (Stampers Heaven at Mt Gravatt). I did a monograms class and really quiet enjoyed this one. We made monogram letters with the ribbon backgrounds and they all turned out great! One particular one I loved was down in lime green, white and fuschia pink - yumm! I really hope my classes for October dont get cancelled coz I really love doing it!
My boss also asked me about Crafty Kids, and I was quite shocked seeing as though I never told anyone at the shop about it. I'm putting it down to that one of the girls must have either heard from someone who knows me or goggled my name and found my blog! In which case, HI girls!! Boss said not to tell any customers about it and of course I wouldn't... I think (and hope!) she's happy to have me working there as long as I keep them separate - no problems I say!
Last night we were just at home. I thought at like 5pm that we should have invited someone over for dinner, but then of course it was too late to ask anyone. I guess I forget about what we are going to do each night, and it's becoming a little monotomous... Anyway, Greg played some game on the pc and I did some scrapping - class samples. I shall take photos when they are finished and when my camera is working... good thing about doing class samples is that I'm making things that I can give as gifts for xmas... usually I don't get around to it, but this year both Mums will probably get something!
This morning Jaidyn and I went to church, Unfortunately Greg was working again - it sucks him working Sundays and I know he really misses coming to church. For those of you who knew about our 'which church' saga, we are now attending my friend Michelle's church over the northside and really loving it so far. I cannot get over the 'community-base' of it. Almost every week I have done something socially with the ladies - I'm loving it!
This arvo I got busy with the jewellery again. Made some stuff that I hope to sell, but I guess it depends if others think they are worthy to buy I guess... I made some black/green earrings, a necklace & earring set in teal, black and clear beads and another set in pale pink and green beads. I need to get more colours to work with now! I might take some piccies tomorrow and put them up here, if ppl are interested in seeing. I'm having fun doing it!
This Tuesday I'm having a Crafty Kids demo at my house. I have got quite a few of the ladies from church coming so I'm excited about that... might have to move the venue to the church though as there are possibly a few kids (like up to 10!) coming and I really don't think I can accomodate that number, especially when we have no backyard and us ladies will be in the loungeroom! Yikes! At least at the church there is a sandpit and swings they can go and occupy themselves with - sounds like a plan to me!
Well girls, that's my weekend. Hope you all have a great week!
Nat xx
P.S. Just realised that I *technically* graduated this week, although I didn't attend the ceremony.... we were a bit broke last week... yay me! I'm a REAL teacher!
P.P.S. My AWESOME friend Michelle got a job! Yay, I'm sooo proud of you Chelle if you ever read this and sooo happy that you have got something after we've been waiting a while. You are going to be awesome teacher and really make a difference in the lives of your students, I can tell! God rocks hey!
Friday, September 16, 2005
My first creations...
Ooh, I made some jewellery last night! My first 'real' play and I'm so chuffed with my efforts. I can now do it! Sure, I still need to learn a few more techniques and tricks (and maybe I'll get a book or two) but I can do the basics, and they look pretty good if I do say so myself.

Here is the $10 kit I bought...
And here it is made up. I had enough extra bits and pieces to make some cute earrings too. At first I wasn't totally in love with this kit coz it's
rather 'chunky' but now I love it! And I can't wait to wear it! This is one I'm definitely keeping for myself!
As I was lying half-awake in bed this morning before 6am (crazy yes) I was thinking that I can wear it to a wedding that we have on next Friday. I have a black dress that I think I'll wear with it, or I might just have to buy that little black lace-trim singlet I've been eyeing off to go with my new skirt - and wolaa - a whole new outfit! Now to match in Greg... we could buy him a nice teal tie and he could wear black too, or he has a tealy-greeny shirt he can wear with his black tie... hhmmm.... I think we'll look good!

Here is the other little set I made. I bought these pretty lampwork glass beads (the big barrell-type ones) on Wednesday. I did want to make earrings to match but they looked a little funny on earrings - might try again later as I still have 2 left.
We had a lovely 'family' day yesterday. Greg had the day off work, so we took Jaidyn to see 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. I was a little worried that it might be a bit scary but it wasn't one bit and I even thought one part in the original was more scary! So it was good, Jai loved it. I thought Johnny Depp was great, but unfortunately I thought him the best part of it. I thought it was very much like the original in the script (well in the parts that were the same - it was obvious they used the same lines at the book), but there were a few different parts, and I must say I was disappointed with the squirrels - the golden-egg-laying geese were much better! And the oompa-loompas a little 'freakish' (the scariest bit in the movie I reckon!). But still a good day out. We then went to HJs for lunch. And then came home and watched 'Robots' which we had hired out the night before. A pretty good day together, and something we don't often get to do, so I treasure it.
I just read some mail we got from the Real Estate yesterday and they are going to put the rent up AGAIN at new-lease time in a few months. That will be $15 it has gone up in this year! Bastards! I think we'll definitely be moving! Now to start looking around again I guess...
Tomorrow I'm teaching one class at the shop. It was supposed to be 2 but the afternoon class was cancelled. Bit of a bummer but I guess you get that sometimes. Hope you all have a good weekend :)
N xx

Here is the $10 kit I bought...

rather 'chunky' but now I love it! And I can't wait to wear it! This is one I'm definitely keeping for myself!
As I was lying half-awake in bed this morning before 6am (crazy yes) I was thinking that I can wear it to a wedding that we have on next Friday. I have a black dress that I think I'll wear with it, or I might just have to buy that little black lace-trim singlet I've been eyeing off to go with my new skirt - and wolaa - a whole new outfit! Now to match in Greg... we could buy him a nice teal tie and he could wear black too, or he has a tealy-greeny shirt he can wear with his black tie... hhmmm.... I think we'll look good!

Here is the other little set I made. I bought these pretty lampwork glass beads (the big barrell-type ones) on Wednesday. I did want to make earrings to match but they looked a little funny on earrings - might try again later as I still have 2 left.
We had a lovely 'family' day yesterday. Greg had the day off work, so we took Jaidyn to see 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. I was a little worried that it might be a bit scary but it wasn't one bit and I even thought one part in the original was more scary! So it was good, Jai loved it. I thought Johnny Depp was great, but unfortunately I thought him the best part of it. I thought it was very much like the original in the script (well in the parts that were the same - it was obvious they used the same lines at the book), but there were a few different parts, and I must say I was disappointed with the squirrels - the golden-egg-laying geese were much better! And the oompa-loompas a little 'freakish' (the scariest bit in the movie I reckon!). But still a good day out. We then went to HJs for lunch. And then came home and watched 'Robots' which we had hired out the night before. A pretty good day together, and something we don't often get to do, so I treasure it.
I just read some mail we got from the Real Estate yesterday and they are going to put the rent up AGAIN at new-lease time in a few months. That will be $15 it has gone up in this year! Bastards! I think we'll definitely be moving! Now to start looking around again I guess...
Tomorrow I'm teaching one class at the shop. It was supposed to be 2 but the afternoon class was cancelled. Bit of a bummer but I guess you get that sometimes. Hope you all have a good weekend :)
N xx
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Beads and Beads!!
Went bead shopping with my friend Mel yesterday and what was supposed to be only a half-day (so I could spend some time with Greg on his day off) easily turned into a full day.. oops.. and I was in bed at 8.30pm last night, lol.
We went to three shops. One in Southbank and two over the northside of Brisbane - Grange and Virginia... mostly they wer pretty good. Don't think I'll go back to the one at Southbank again, but then again as I'm a beginner I was majorly overwhelmed with all that I could buy! The second shop was at Virginia and called Peppercorn Gems.... its a strange big shop with just bits and pieces of everything - it has play equipment (swingsets etc), some sporting stuff, and a big beading section.... I think I've seen the store on Extra or Today Tonight or something before... its like they have got all their interests and just combined! They also have cool dinosaur displays for the kids - rather exciting really! So this store had a rather big range of blass beads and stone beads for separate sale, but also had most of the various brands of packaged beads - from the plastic cheapo ones you find in Crazy's to some gorgeous glass ones... good range I must say! So I got a whole heap of plastic ones (to start with) which I was going to buy from Spotlight anyway (save a trip!) and a few various pretty glass ones that I'm going to make specific things with. I would show you here but my camera batteries decided not to work again, so I might just update with a pic when they are charged again...
We then went to one at the Grange called Posh Beads. We went there earlier but they didn't open till 2pm - weird... so we had to go back... they have lovely imported beads and at great prices too - and they are great business people - generous not stingy... I got 100m of tigertail for $10 which previously I bought 11m for $7 I think - really good price and I won't go anywhere else now! They also have these cute bead kits... from $10-$25.. I got a pretty $10 kit to make a nice necklace in turquoise and black... perfect for the new skirt I bought last week! I thought too that starting with a kit will help me with my confidence for the others!! And hopefully I can work out how to do all the tricks - gosh, I really do need a book hey! My friend Mel said she will photocopy hers for me, if she remembers though....
So probably this arvo or tonight I will sit down and make some stuff! I'm eager to! Also have scrapping stuff to make still... better get off the pc and do something hey! Oh, and don't remind me about the HOUSEWORK!
Ciao, N xx
We went to three shops. One in Southbank and two over the northside of Brisbane - Grange and Virginia... mostly they wer pretty good. Don't think I'll go back to the one at Southbank again, but then again as I'm a beginner I was majorly overwhelmed with all that I could buy! The second shop was at Virginia and called Peppercorn Gems.... its a strange big shop with just bits and pieces of everything - it has play equipment (swingsets etc), some sporting stuff, and a big beading section.... I think I've seen the store on Extra or Today Tonight or something before... its like they have got all their interests and just combined! They also have cool dinosaur displays for the kids - rather exciting really! So this store had a rather big range of blass beads and stone beads for separate sale, but also had most of the various brands of packaged beads - from the plastic cheapo ones you find in Crazy's to some gorgeous glass ones... good range I must say! So I got a whole heap of plastic ones (to start with) which I was going to buy from Spotlight anyway (save a trip!) and a few various pretty glass ones that I'm going to make specific things with. I would show you here but my camera batteries decided not to work again, so I might just update with a pic when they are charged again...
We then went to one at the Grange called Posh Beads. We went there earlier but they didn't open till 2pm - weird... so we had to go back... they have lovely imported beads and at great prices too - and they are great business people - generous not stingy... I got 100m of tigertail for $10 which previously I bought 11m for $7 I think - really good price and I won't go anywhere else now! They also have these cute bead kits... from $10-$25.. I got a pretty $10 kit to make a nice necklace in turquoise and black... perfect for the new skirt I bought last week! I thought too that starting with a kit will help me with my confidence for the others!! And hopefully I can work out how to do all the tricks - gosh, I really do need a book hey! My friend Mel said she will photocopy hers for me, if she remembers though....
So probably this arvo or tonight I will sit down and make some stuff! I'm eager to! Also have scrapping stuff to make still... better get off the pc and do something hey! Oh, and don't remind me about the HOUSEWORK!
Ciao, N xx
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Crafty Kids demonstration if you're interested
Hey all,
Just thought I'd drop an invitation to anyone who is around Brisbane and would be interested in attending. I'm holding a Crafty Kids demonstration (yes another one coz there were not many at my launch!) at my house on Tuesday 20th September (a week from today) at 10am. If you would like to come and check out what we do, or would be interested in purchasing something from the catalogue, or want to book a demonstration or workshop yourself, please leave me a message and I will contact you with details...
Tuesday 20th September, 10am. I live at Greenslopes but will not be putting my address here...
Nat xx
Just thought I'd drop an invitation to anyone who is around Brisbane and would be interested in attending. I'm holding a Crafty Kids demonstration (yes another one coz there were not many at my launch!) at my house on Tuesday 20th September (a week from today) at 10am. If you would like to come and check out what we do, or would be interested in purchasing something from the catalogue, or want to book a demonstration or workshop yourself, please leave me a message and I will contact you with details...
Tuesday 20th September, 10am. I live at Greenslopes but will not be putting my address here...
Nat xx
Dress up parties, girlfriends and more...
I haven't posted from over the whole weekend so I'll run through quickly what we did.
Saturday night was my sister's 21st party. She had a 70s theme, and it was a great night! Almost ALL her friends hired costumes and everyone just looked awesome! We had a couple of 'Disco Stu's with their afros, a couple of hippie chicks, but the best were the little dresses and knee high boots, cute headbands and bee-hive hairdos - her girlfriends just looked awesome! My sister Liss dressed as Wonder Woman and really did the part well... unfortunately I did not take any pics on my camera (coz its shit!) but I used my cousins Digital-SLR and we got quite a few.... I did not have a costume unfortunately. I was going to wear these bright purple pants I have, but Greg tried them on and they looked better on him! So he wore them! With his ridiculous bright tye-died shirt that he keeps in the back of his cupboard (and that I can't believe he actually used to WEAR before I came along... it was his Dad's from the 70s!)... he looked pretty good though. So I just went and bought a new skirt and some bling so I least I felt nice! My Dad was hilarious! My mum found him this bright tye-died top and a funny long-haired wig so he looked awesome!! His brother (my uncle) came in similar attire looking kinda like Ozzy Osborne and together they looked a treat! it was great fun! So far both my sister and I have had dress-ups for our 21st (mine was Hollywood Nights) so I wonder what our little sis will do...
Sunday was church and Greg actually was able to come this time (not working) so that was really good! We went out to HJs for lunch afterward and took it over to a park... the boys went and played football, the kids played on the playground and the ladies all sat around the tables talking - it was great!! Poor Greg though got a little knocked around and put his teeth through his top lip! Lol... the joys of football - oh and that was touch too!
I went out for dinner on Sunday night for a girlfriends b'day. She lives and works down near Newcastle now (Singleton - Hunter Valley) so it's always good when she comes to visit. We went to a Turkish restaurant and it was pretty nice :) It's good to catch up with my highschool girlfriends, unfortunately it seems to be more time between get-togethers these days. So Happy Birthday to Mel for yesterday :) We are going to spend a bit of Wednesday together shopping for beads so that will be good - we have quite a history together (highschool best friend) and although our lives almost parted we seem to have more respect for each other now and acknowledge we have busy and somewhat different lives...
Today unfortunately my Kids class has been cancelled coz I only got one participant book - come on kids, it would have been fuuunnn.... but oh well... I'm off to morning tea with the church ladies instead so I'm kinda glad I can go to that now :) I just hope that my two Saturday classes get some more bookings coz they are looking a little scarce too - man, and I thought the monogram one was especially good! Bummer :( Fingers crossed for some more participants though OK!
Well, I'm off to have some more breakfast. I've also got some Crafty Kids bits an pieces to make and play around with if I have time today. Jai stayed at Mum's last night (Coz I needed babysitting for class) so I've got the house to myself at the moment - nice and quiet!
Have a great few days!
N xxx
P.S. Haven't yet heard about the job, maybe today... really don't know if I want it hey! Oh, and I actually went to the gym yesterday! Shock horror I know!
Saturday night was my sister's 21st party. She had a 70s theme, and it was a great night! Almost ALL her friends hired costumes and everyone just looked awesome! We had a couple of 'Disco Stu's with their afros, a couple of hippie chicks, but the best were the little dresses and knee high boots, cute headbands and bee-hive hairdos - her girlfriends just looked awesome! My sister Liss dressed as Wonder Woman and really did the part well... unfortunately I did not take any pics on my camera (coz its shit!) but I used my cousins Digital-SLR and we got quite a few.... I did not have a costume unfortunately. I was going to wear these bright purple pants I have, but Greg tried them on and they looked better on him! So he wore them! With his ridiculous bright tye-died shirt that he keeps in the back of his cupboard (and that I can't believe he actually used to WEAR before I came along... it was his Dad's from the 70s!)... he looked pretty good though. So I just went and bought a new skirt and some bling so I least I felt nice! My Dad was hilarious! My mum found him this bright tye-died top and a funny long-haired wig so he looked awesome!! His brother (my uncle) came in similar attire looking kinda like Ozzy Osborne and together they looked a treat! it was great fun! So far both my sister and I have had dress-ups for our 21st (mine was Hollywood Nights) so I wonder what our little sis will do...
Sunday was church and Greg actually was able to come this time (not working) so that was really good! We went out to HJs for lunch afterward and took it over to a park... the boys went and played football, the kids played on the playground and the ladies all sat around the tables talking - it was great!! Poor Greg though got a little knocked around and put his teeth through his top lip! Lol... the joys of football - oh and that was touch too!
I went out for dinner on Sunday night for a girlfriends b'day. She lives and works down near Newcastle now (Singleton - Hunter Valley) so it's always good when she comes to visit. We went to a Turkish restaurant and it was pretty nice :) It's good to catch up with my highschool girlfriends, unfortunately it seems to be more time between get-togethers these days. So Happy Birthday to Mel for yesterday :) We are going to spend a bit of Wednesday together shopping for beads so that will be good - we have quite a history together (highschool best friend) and although our lives almost parted we seem to have more respect for each other now and acknowledge we have busy and somewhat different lives...
Today unfortunately my Kids class has been cancelled coz I only got one participant book - come on kids, it would have been fuuunnn.... but oh well... I'm off to morning tea with the church ladies instead so I'm kinda glad I can go to that now :) I just hope that my two Saturday classes get some more bookings coz they are looking a little scarce too - man, and I thought the monogram one was especially good! Bummer :( Fingers crossed for some more participants though OK!
Well, I'm off to have some more breakfast. I've also got some Crafty Kids bits an pieces to make and play around with if I have time today. Jai stayed at Mum's last night (Coz I needed babysitting for class) so I've got the house to myself at the moment - nice and quiet!
Have a great few days!
N xxx
P.S. Haven't yet heard about the job, maybe today... really don't know if I want it hey! Oh, and I actually went to the gym yesterday! Shock horror I know!
Friday, September 09, 2005
Job interview...
I just had another job interview - scary stuff! OMG you should see this school hey - it was like pristine and totally looked more like a holiday destination than a school. Sheldon College on bay-side Brisbane - gorgeous! Man, how nice would it be to work in an environment that pretty! Anyway, it was for a Year 3 teacher, starting next term - which is only 2 weeks away - yikes! I think I did OK although they didn't really look very closely at my unit planning which I would have liked coz they are good! lol.... I should hear early next week hopefully... not sure if they'll be calling unsuccessful applicants also, but maybe I should start browsing and thinking about curriculum just in case....
I am a little anxious about the school though, as I know of a girl I went to primary school with who did 6 months as grade 6 teacher and totally burnt herself out - like nervous breakdown kinda thing.... yikes... add to that I have a husband and son.... I would hope I can handle it ok! Guess I'll find out next week hey. Fingers crossed, coz I know Greg would love me to be working too, even if the house would be a TOTAL mess and we'd both be more stressed out!
Nat xx
I am a little anxious about the school though, as I know of a girl I went to primary school with who did 6 months as grade 6 teacher and totally burnt herself out - like nervous breakdown kinda thing.... yikes... add to that I have a husband and son.... I would hope I can handle it ok! Guess I'll find out next week hey. Fingers crossed, coz I know Greg would love me to be working too, even if the house would be a TOTAL mess and we'd both be more stressed out!
Nat xx
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Achy and stuck at home...
Well, feeling like shit again today, but worse, but I won't bore you all (well if anyone even reads my blog these days!) with my whinging. Just rather sore and swolen today.
Greg is taking the car to work today (coz I'm not going out to get him at 9.30pm!), so Jai and I are stuck at home. Was thinking of doing some more letterbox drops and maybe going up to the Child Care Centre to ask if I can leave a catalogue for parents to look through there... but that's if I can walk a bit better later..... soooo achy all over!!
Think I might make a start on class samples for October too, and I have a whole huge pile of folding to do - again! And various other housework items. And calling around to ask people to my 2nd demo - I hope they don't hate me!
Have a good one all,
Nat xx
Greg is taking the car to work today (coz I'm not going out to get him at 9.30pm!), so Jai and I are stuck at home. Was thinking of doing some more letterbox drops and maybe going up to the Child Care Centre to ask if I can leave a catalogue for parents to look through there... but that's if I can walk a bit better later..... soooo achy all over!!
Think I might make a start on class samples for October too, and I have a whole huge pile of folding to do - again! And various other housework items. And calling around to ask people to my 2nd demo - I hope they don't hate me!
Have a good one all,
Nat xx
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Not so good either...
Well my poor friend Ali sure sounds like she's been dealt a hard one... hope you get better soon sweetie! Alas, I think I'm coming down with something too. Greg has been sick the last couple of days and I guess he gave it to me too! Gggrrr.... today has just been one of those 'achy' days before you get the flu... I hate it. Every muscle in my body aches - I swear it feels like I did a massive workout at the gym yesterday, but unfortunately for my body and weight-loss, I didn't. It's just best to sit down and do nothing, but can't really do that now can I when I have a family and household to try to keep in some order...
Did my first class at Stampers Heaven yesterday and it went really well! I was a bit nervous at the start coz its a new store and all (and I've only ever taught I think, 3 classes), but it went pretty smoothly and everyone seemed happy with their pages when they were finished. It's always amazing to me to see the same page come out in so many ways - really inspiring actually! One thing I really love about teaching...
I do really like this new store - far better than the other anyway. I think being a bit bigger, having a few more girls (staff) to chat to, and a lovely bunch they are. Really love this one girl Carolyn, she's a hoot! She's really cheeky and sarcastic just like my personality and we joke around and (I think!) get on really well. I wouldn't mind some actual shifts in the shop one day even to get to know them a bit better, you know.
I took in the rest of my samples today - I finally got them done! I guess the good thing about having all these samples due in is I'm actually scrapping again - and it makes me happy! I'm accomplishing things again, rather than not doing anything and just wasting time! I love it! I guess I really have missed my scrapping!
So now I'm just working out more classes for October and I have a few Crafty Kids workshops then too so I'll be busy enough I hope. Wish I had some more parties booked for September though as the way I'm going, I don't think I'm going to qualify for any of my TIP (incentive program) freebies that I could really use in my kit... oh well though, shall keep my fingers crossed. My team leader suggested that I hold another demo at my place, especially as there were so many girls who couldn't come last weekend. Not sure yet, but I guess I can only ask and if no-one's interested, I guess not do it!
Well, off to get more water to soothe my throat and finish my CK order that I just learnt how to do...
Ciao, N xx
Did my first class at Stampers Heaven yesterday and it went really well! I was a bit nervous at the start coz its a new store and all (and I've only ever taught I think, 3 classes), but it went pretty smoothly and everyone seemed happy with their pages when they were finished. It's always amazing to me to see the same page come out in so many ways - really inspiring actually! One thing I really love about teaching...
I do really like this new store - far better than the other anyway. I think being a bit bigger, having a few more girls (staff) to chat to, and a lovely bunch they are. Really love this one girl Carolyn, she's a hoot! She's really cheeky and sarcastic just like my personality and we joke around and (I think!) get on really well. I wouldn't mind some actual shifts in the shop one day even to get to know them a bit better, you know.
I took in the rest of my samples today - I finally got them done! I guess the good thing about having all these samples due in is I'm actually scrapping again - and it makes me happy! I'm accomplishing things again, rather than not doing anything and just wasting time! I love it! I guess I really have missed my scrapping!
So now I'm just working out more classes for October and I have a few Crafty Kids workshops then too so I'll be busy enough I hope. Wish I had some more parties booked for September though as the way I'm going, I don't think I'm going to qualify for any of my TIP (incentive program) freebies that I could really use in my kit... oh well though, shall keep my fingers crossed. My team leader suggested that I hold another demo at my place, especially as there were so many girls who couldn't come last weekend. Not sure yet, but I guess I can only ask and if no-one's interested, I guess not do it!
Well, off to get more water to soothe my throat and finish my CK order that I just learnt how to do...
Ciao, N xx
Monday, September 05, 2005
A safe car again and potential business
I *finally* went and got a set of new tyres this morning, and gosh I feel so much better! We've been driving around for the last few weeks on bald tyres and I just kept putting it off... but seeing that they were worn down to the canvas on Saturday gave me a big shock, and I've been driving around having panic attacks since! So it feels good to feel safe again....
While I was waiting for my tyres, I decided to do a letter-box drop around that area and dropped Crafty Kids adverts in 80 letterboxes... I hope I get some responses. Apparently you can expect a 1% response rate, so that means less than one person (lol) but I'm hoping for at least 1 or 2. It's hard to pick which houses you think might have a bit of money or be crafty... lol I found myslef looking for crafty bits and pieces on verandahs and such, but mostly just dropped one in every letterbox. I'm out of ink right now, but will get some more and do a drop around my streets too I think.
I also went exploring and had a little lookie in a newsagent. Found some clipboards there so I bought one and I'm going to have a go at an altered one... not sure whether I should do this one for myself or maybe for Mum for Xmas...
My good friend Sam also has been working hard for me. I called her this morning and she's been showing all her clients and family and friends the accordion album we made last week. Mainly because she's very proud of what she made, but she's also been mentioning my business (What a doll!)... so her aunty is very interested in having a workshop - yay me! Now just to phone her! This is fun!!
Have a good one everyone, I better get back to my class samples!
Nat xx
While I was waiting for my tyres, I decided to do a letter-box drop around that area and dropped Crafty Kids adverts in 80 letterboxes... I hope I get some responses. Apparently you can expect a 1% response rate, so that means less than one person (lol) but I'm hoping for at least 1 or 2. It's hard to pick which houses you think might have a bit of money or be crafty... lol I found myslef looking for crafty bits and pieces on verandahs and such, but mostly just dropped one in every letterbox. I'm out of ink right now, but will get some more and do a drop around my streets too I think.
I also went exploring and had a little lookie in a newsagent. Found some clipboards there so I bought one and I'm going to have a go at an altered one... not sure whether I should do this one for myself or maybe for Mum for Xmas...
My good friend Sam also has been working hard for me. I called her this morning and she's been showing all her clients and family and friends the accordion album we made last week. Mainly because she's very proud of what she made, but she's also been mentioning my business (What a doll!)... so her aunty is very interested in having a workshop - yay me! Now just to phone her! This is fun!!
Have a good one everyone, I better get back to my class samples!
Nat xx
Sunday, September 04, 2005
The (not so) big launch...
Well, I had my business launch last night. Unfortunately most of my friends could not come, guess it was just a terrible date huh.... but it was a good night with those that did come. I had 8 girls there, my gorgeous friend Hayley brought 2 friends which was great coz company might have been kinda low otherwise!
Unfortunately for me, I did not get a great deal of orders, but I did OK and am able to stock up my stash with a few freebies. I have a few 'tentative' demo or workshop bookings too, but a bit of chasing up to do to get concrete dates and business!
I found it a little difficult trying to be the consultant collecting orders when people wanted to chat or what-have-you. I think it will be much better when they are not all my friends sitting around IYKWIM. So thanks to everyone who came to support me. Now onto doing it all myself!!
Fathers Day today was nice. We bought Dad some spunky denim shorts and a polo top and he looks all hip and spiffy now.... very proud of my purchase... but I should have got Greg some too - now I'll just have to go back on Monday or Tuesday for him...
Poor Greg had to work today, so I guess the day wasn't the same without him, but I guess you get that working in retail. Jaidyn and I went to Mum and Dad's for lunch. It was originally meant to be for dinner, but Mum changed plans (much to Greg's disappointment) because my uncle is down from Townsville on business and he could only do lunch. Poor Greg felt rather rejected, my poor baby. But at least Mum sent home some yummy leftovers for him. We had BBQed satay chicken and stirfried vegies... mmmm..... and it was late so I'm not cooking tonight either.
Well, I have to go and finish cleaning up from my launch last night, heat up Greg's dinner and then I have some more class samples to get stuck into.
N xxx
Unfortunately for me, I did not get a great deal of orders, but I did OK and am able to stock up my stash with a few freebies. I have a few 'tentative' demo or workshop bookings too, but a bit of chasing up to do to get concrete dates and business!
I found it a little difficult trying to be the consultant collecting orders when people wanted to chat or what-have-you. I think it will be much better when they are not all my friends sitting around IYKWIM. So thanks to everyone who came to support me. Now onto doing it all myself!!
Fathers Day today was nice. We bought Dad some spunky denim shorts and a polo top and he looks all hip and spiffy now.... very proud of my purchase... but I should have got Greg some too - now I'll just have to go back on Monday or Tuesday for him...
Poor Greg had to work today, so I guess the day wasn't the same without him, but I guess you get that working in retail. Jaidyn and I went to Mum and Dad's for lunch. It was originally meant to be for dinner, but Mum changed plans (much to Greg's disappointment) because my uncle is down from Townsville on business and he could only do lunch. Poor Greg felt rather rejected, my poor baby. But at least Mum sent home some yummy leftovers for him. We had BBQed satay chicken and stirfried vegies... mmmm..... and it was late so I'm not cooking tonight either.
Well, I have to go and finish cleaning up from my launch last night, heat up Greg's dinner and then I have some more class samples to get stuck into.
N xxx
Friday, September 02, 2005
Thought I'd finally share...
Well, as most of you probably think I've fallen off the scrapping planet, I thought I'd better share some recent stuff and show you I *have* been doing some!! Lol...

This is the accordion album I made to teach my mum's craft class on Wednesday. They loved it! The photos were from a little holiday we took to Burleigh Beach in June. It was rather rainy and cold so we went exploring the rocks instead. I really do like these photos.

The front cover and view from there...

The last two pages (or the back) of the album... got a few nice ones of Greg staring out to sea... lol....

And I made a little pocket and a lift-up part too with extra journalling and pics underneath...

This is the page I did for my Shabby chic class which is going to be on this coming Tuesday. This is a pic of Suz Doyle's daughter Phoebe.. I think she's about a year older than this now though! Thanks Suz... and I also used a layout of Mishell Lancett's for inspiration... thanks Shell...
So there you have it! I have done some scrapping... you better believe it!! lol...
Nat x x

This is the accordion album I made to teach my mum's craft class on Wednesday. They loved it! The photos were from a little holiday we took to Burleigh Beach in June. It was rather rainy and cold so we went exploring the rocks instead. I really do like these photos.

The front cover and view from there...

The last two pages (or the back) of the album... got a few nice ones of Greg staring out to sea... lol....

And I made a little pocket and a lift-up part too with extra journalling and pics underneath...

This is the page I did for my Shabby chic class which is going to be on this coming Tuesday. This is a pic of Suz Doyle's daughter Phoebe.. I think she's about a year older than this now though! Thanks Suz... and I also used a layout of Mishell Lancett's for inspiration... thanks Shell...
So there you have it! I have done some scrapping... you better believe it!! lol...
Nat x x
Thursday, September 01, 2005
What a day!
Yesterday was a great, but busy and tiring day... I taught my accordion album class to my Mum's craft group. They absolutely loved it! While there was more talking going on than scrapping at times, and they are going to have to finish them off next week on their own (even after 4 hours!), they really got a kick out of the album, all my stock and ideas too. So I got a kick out of that too! And they are such a great bunch of ladies that I thoroughly enjoyed it. They even gave me some lovely little thankyou gifts, even though I charged them $10 for the class... my good friend Sam came along too and she said that she just got so much out of it, which made me feel special. Many of them made them for theur hubbies for Fathers Day, so good timing too hey.
I also managed to get a couple of orders for Crafty Kids stuff too, yay!
Sam then waxed my eyebrows and we had a bit of a chat (at her house). She and her brother's gf are going to have a card-making workshop for me! Yay! And Mum said she will have a demo. So I'm pretty excited about my first business ventures there!
Well, today is just groceries this morning, then some scrapping this afternoon. I have class samples to make up for the shop and I want to take them in tomorrow so they are there for Sat which is the busiest day I guess....
Nat xx
I also managed to get a couple of orders for Crafty Kids stuff too, yay!
Sam then waxed my eyebrows and we had a bit of a chat (at her house). She and her brother's gf are going to have a card-making workshop for me! Yay! And Mum said she will have a demo. So I'm pretty excited about my first business ventures there!
Well, today is just groceries this morning, then some scrapping this afternoon. I have class samples to make up for the shop and I want to take them in tomorrow so they are there for Sat which is the busiest day I guess....
Nat xx
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