Thursday, September 08, 2005

Achy and stuck at home...

Well, feeling like shit again today, but worse, but I won't bore you all (well if anyone even reads my blog these days!) with my whinging. Just rather sore and swolen today.

Greg is taking the car to work today (coz I'm not going out to get him at 9.30pm!), so Jai and I are stuck at home. Was thinking of doing some more letterbox drops and maybe going up to the Child Care Centre to ask if I can leave a catalogue for parents to look through there... but that's if I can walk a bit better later..... soooo achy all over!!

Think I might make a start on class samples for October too, and I have a whole huge pile of folding to do - again! And various other housework items. And calling around to ask people to my 2nd demo - I hope they don't hate me!

Have a good one all,
Nat xx


Roz said...

:o( Poor Natti! Take it easy babe, get onto that 'cold' befoer it gets a hold of you ok!!
Luv ya
R xo

Nat said...

Bugger - that bastard found me too - won't you just PISS OFF!!!!

Roz, you'll have to tell me how to add security now too :)